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passion for saving the world and idealistic dreams that she couldn t see what a total flake he was.
That guy couldn t commit to just one entrée in a restaurant much less commit to one woman. He was
pretty much just a self-important douchebag who loved attention. 
Reid could see where this was headed and his gut clenched with the familiar desire to put his fists
through someone s face.  Tell me what he did, he said through a tight jaw.
Eric tensed and glanced at Lucie. His love for her was evident in the narrowing of his brown eyes
as he spoke.  Bastard hooked up with some hippie chick a few months into the marriage. I d bet a
year s salary it wasn t just a one time or one girl thing. Anyway, Lucie caught him in the act. In
their bed.
Reid swore and had to put his beer down before his grip crushed the bottle. What kind of man does
that to such a sweet and innocent woman? Or any woman for that matter. It finally made sense why
Lucie was so hung up on finding someone she was compatible with. Her ex had been her complete
opposite and the relationship had been a joke. Now she needed to find the opposite of that
relationship, which was a long courtship to someone as similar to her as possible. Someone, like the
guy who was currently whispering in her ear as she laughed. Dr. Stephen Mann, MD.
 Easy, amigo. Your fangs are showing.
Reid cut a glare over to Eric.  What the hell are you talking about?
 You look like a jungle cat ready to sink your teeth into someone s jugular.
Reid studied the man, wondering why the fuck he was grinning like an idiot.  Is that so?
 It is. And although I d love to wheedle the reason from you, I ll have to be satisfied with my own
 Why is that?
Eric nodded over to the side.  Because Lucie s headed this way. Reid followed his line of sight
to see her gliding across the room with the biggest smile he d ever seen on her.  I ve gotta go hit the
head. Nice meeting you, Reid. I ll see you around.
 You too, man. Thanks for the beer.
A second later Reid forgot all about Eric s cryptic statements as he focused on Lucie. He felt
duplicitous, both wanting to know all the details of her Mann encounter and wanting to pretend like it
never happened. But he d be a pretty shitty friend if he did the latter, so he sucked it up and did the
right thing.  So what happened? It looked like you hooked him pretty deep from what I could tell.
Lucie clasped her hands in front of her, seemingly trying not to explode.  It happened just like you
said, Reid. He noticed me, said I looked beautiful. Is it hot in here? She started fanning herself so
Reid handed her one of the ridiculous diaper-pin drinks.  Mm, thanks, I m so thirsty.
A drop of condensation from the glass splashed onto her neck as she tipped her head back to down
the entire contents. He had to fist his hands at his sides so he wasn t tempted to wipe it away as it
descended to the sexy hollow at the bottom of her throat.
 Anyway, she continued, placing the empty glass on a waiter s tray as he walked by,  we talked
for a little while and then he asked me on an actual date. Can you believe it?
Reid plastered a stiff smile on his face and hoped it passed for the real thing. He had the insane
urge to march over there and deck the guy on principle alone. Why the hell wouldn t he have noticed
Lucie before the makeover? So her hair was usually a disheveled mess and she wore her glasses
instead of contacts and her clothes didn t accentuate the tight little body she possessed. Why had that
made her invisible to the doctor for the last several years?
When he d seen her in her office that first day, he d liked watching her try to get her errant strands
of hair to stay where she wanted them, only to have them fall right after she was done tucking them
back. He thought she looked sexy with her glasses on that whole naughty librarian thing he loved
and she was adorable when she accidentally snorted from laughing too hard or finding something
Mann was a vain asshole who didn t deserve Lucie, that s all there was to it. But then again, it s
not as if Reid deserved someone like her either. He couldn t offer her what she needed. He didn t live
the lifestyle of predictability she craved. When he had fights in other states, other countries, he was
more of a nomad than anything. And even if that wasn t an issue, he still could never be with her. Not
as he was currently. A loser. A has-been. A wash-up. No, he needed his title and his championship [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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