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Many dictatorial religions pointedly refuse to allow
While I want to emphasize that point, I also want to their congregations to indulge in any type of play at
remind you that innately and ideally the body is all, and frown upon it as sinful. Card-playing and
quite equipped to heal itself, and certainly to cure family games such as Monopoly are actually
its own momentary headache. You would have to excellent practices, and play in any form
substitute an entirely different learning system, at encourages spontaneity and promotes healing and
your present stage, for the body to show its true peace of mind.
potentials and healing abilities.
In other cases of a child's illness, have the child Session 5/18 Magically neutralizing cancer cells
play a healing game, in which he or she playfully Many cancer patients have martyrlike
imagines being completely healthy again, outdoors characteristics, often putting up with undesirable
and playing; or have the youngster imagine a situations or conditions for years.
conversation with a friend, describing the illness as
past and gone. Play could also be used even in old They feel powerless, unable to change, yet
peoples' homes, for it could revive feelings of unwilling to stay in the same position. The most
spontaneity and give the conscious mind a rest from important point is to arouse such a person's beliefs
worrying. in his or her strength and power. In many instances
these persons symbolically shrug their shoulders,
Many ancient and so-called primitive peoples saying. 'What will happen, will happen,' but they do
utilized play and drama, of course -for their healing not physically struggle against their situation.
values, and often their effects were quite as
therapeutic as medical science. If your child It is also vital that these patients are not overly
believes that a particular illness is caused by a virus, medicated, for oftentimes the side effects of some
then suggest a game in which the youngster cancer- eradicating drugs are dangerous in
themselves. There has been some success with environment changes, and the person also seems to
people who imagine that the cancer is instead some change overnight -while again the disease is gone.
hated enemy or monster or foe, which is then
banished through mental mock battles over a period
of time. While the technique does have its Session 5/11 Reprogram your self esteem Healing
advantages, it also pits one portion of the self can involve help on many levels, of course. The
against the other. world of normal communication I call Framework 1,
while Framework 2 represents that inner world, in
It is much better to imagine, say, the cancer cells which indeed all time is simultaneous, and actions
being neutralized by some imaginary wand. that might take years in normal time can happen in
the blinking of an eyelid in Framework 2.
Doctors might suggest that a patient relax and then
ask himself or herself what kind of inner fantasy Briefly, Framework I deals with all the events of
would best serve the healing process. Instant images which you are normally conscious.
may come to mind at once, but if success is not
achieved immediately, have the patient try again, Framework 2 involves all of those spontaneous
for in almost all cases some inner pictures will be processes that go on beneath your conscious
perceived. attention. When you are very young your beliefs are
quite clear -that is, your conscious and unconscious
Behind the entire problem, however, is the fear of leanings and expectations are harmonious. As you
using one's full power or energy. Cancer patients grow older, however, and begin to accumulate
most usually feel an inner impatience as they sense negative beliefs, then your conscious and
their own need for future expansion and unconscious beliefs may be quite different.
development, only to feel it thwarted.
Consciously you might want to express certain
The fear that blocks that energy can indeed be abilities, while unconsciously you are afraid of
dissipated if new beliefs are inserted for old ones - doing so. The unconscious beliefs are not really
so again we return to those emotional attitudes and unconscious, however. You are simply not as aware
ideas that automatically promote health and healing. of them as you are of normally conscious ones.
Each individual is a good person, an individualized Negative beliefs can block the passageways
portion of universal energy itself. Each person is between Framework I and Framework 2. It is an
meant to express his or her own characteristics and excellent idea for those in any kind of difficulty to
abilities. Life means energy, power, and expression. do the following simple exercise.
Those beliefs, if taught early enough, would form Relax yourself as much as possible. Get
the most effective system of preventative medicine comfortable in a chair or on a bed. Tell yourself
ever known. mentally that you are an excellent person, and that
you want to reprogram yourself, getting rid of any
Again, we cannot generalize overmuch, but many ideas that contradict that particular statement.
persons know quite well that they are not sure
whether they want to live or die. The Next, gently remind yourself again: 'I am an
overabundance of cancer cells represents excellent person,' adding: 'It is good and safe for me
nevertheless the need for expression and expansion to express my own abilities, for in doing so I
-the only arena left open -or so it would seem. express the energy of the universe itself.' Different
phrases with the same meaning may come into your
Such a person must also contend with society's own mind. If so, substitute them for the ones I have
unfortunate ideas about the disease in general, so given. There are endless exercises that can be used
that many cancer patients end up isolated or alone. to advantage, but here I will only mention a few that
As in almost all cases of disease, however, if it were appear most beneficial.
possible to have a kind of 'thought transplant'
operation, the disease would quickly vanish. Session 6/12 Mentally cleaning out your body For
another exercise, then, relax yourself as much as
Even in the most dire of instances, some patients possible once more. If you have some disease,
suddenly fall in love, or something in their home imagine it as particles of dirt. Tell yourself that you
can see inside your body. You may see streets or universe, then there is nothing about you which that
boulevards instead of muscles and bones, but go energy is unaware of. Simply repeating these ideas
along with the image or images that appear. You to yourself can result in release of tension, and an
might see streets lined with dirt or garbage, for acceleration of the healing process.
example. Then mentally see yourself sweeping the
debris away. Order trucks to come and carry the These exercises may suggest others of your own. If
garbage to a trash heap, where you may see it burn so, follow through on them -but to one extent or
and disappear in smoke. another each reader should benefit from some of
Instead of the drama I just outlined, you may
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