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power to idols or other things of their own proper motion, where they are not placed
by the Creator, or by the order of Nature: which things many false and wicked Mag-
itians faign.
Sixthly, All the deceitful imitations and affections of the devil are also to be
avoided, whereby he imitateth the power of the creation, and of the Creator, that he
may so produce things with a word, that they may not be what they are. Which
belongeth onely to the Omnipotency of God, and is not communicable to the crea-
Seventhly, Let us cleave fast to the gifts of God, and of his holy Spirit, that we
may know them, and diligently embrace them with our whole heart, and all our
Aphorism 41.
We come now to the nine last Aphorismes of this whole Tome; wherewith we will,
the divine mercy assisting us, conclude this whole Magical Isagoge.
Therefore in the first place it is to be observed, what we understand by Magitian
in this work.
Him then we count to be a Magitian, to whom by the grace of God. the spiri-
tual essences do serve to manifest the knowledge of the whole universe, & of the
secrets of Nature contained therein, whether they are visible or invisible. This
description of a Magitian plainly appeareth, and is universal.
An evil Magician is he, whom by the divine permission the evil Spirits do serve,
to his temporal and eternal destruction and perdition to deceive men, and draw them
away from God; such was Simon Magus, of whom mention is made in the Acts of the
Apostles, and in Clemens; whom Saint Peter commanded to be thrown down upon the
earth, when as he had commanded himself, as it were a God, to be raised up into the
air by the unclean Spirits.
Unto this order are also to be referred all those who are noted in the two Tables
of the Law; and are set forth with their evil deeds.
The subdivisions and species of both kindes of Magick, we will note in the
Tomes following. In this place it shall suffice, that we distinguish the Sciences, which
is good, and which is evil: Whereas man sought to obtain them both at first, to his
own ruine and destruction, as Moses and Hermes do demonstrate.
Aphorism 42.
Secondly, we are to know, That a Magitian is a person predestinated to this work
from his mothers wombe; neither let him assume any such great things to himself,
unless he be called divinely by grace hereunto, for some good end; to a bad end is,
that the Scripture might be fulfilled, It must be that offences will come; but wo be to that
man through whom they come. Therefore, as we have before oftentimes admonished,
With fear and trembling we must live in this world.
Notwithstanding I will not deny, but that some men may with study and dili-
gence obtain some species of both kindes of Magick if it may be admitted. But he
shall never aspire to the highest kindes thereof; yet if he covet to assail them, he shall
doubtless offend both in soul and body. Such are they, who by the operations of false
Magicians, are sometimes carried to Mount Horch, or in some wilderness, or desarts
[deserts]; or they are maimed in some member, or are simply torn in pieces, or are
deprived of their understanding; even as many such things happen by the use thereof,
where men are forsaken by God, and delivered to the power of Satan.
The Seventh Septenary.
Aphorism 43.
The Lord liveth, and the works of God do live in him by his appointment whereby
he willeth them to be; for he will have them to use their liberty in obedience to his
commands, or disobedience thereof. To the obedient, he hath proposed their
rewards; to the disobedient he hath propounded their deserved punishment. There-
fore these Spirits of their freewil, through their pride and contempt of the Son of
God, have revolted from God their Creator, and are reserved unto the day of wrath;
and there is left in them a very great power in the creation; but notwithstanding it is
limited, and they are confined to their bounds with the bridle of God. Therefore the
Magitian of God, which signifies a wise man of God, or one informed of God, is led
forth by the hand of God unto all everlasting good, both mean things, and also the
chiefest corporal things.
Great is the power of Satan, by reason of the great sins of men. Therefore also
the Magitians of Satan do perform great things, and greater then any man would
believe: although they do subsist in their own limits, nevertheless they are above all
humane apprehension, as to the corporal and transitory things of this life; which
many ancient Histories, and daily Examples do testitie. Both kindes of Magick are
different one from the other in their ends: the one leadeth to eternal good, and useth
temporal things with thanksgiving; the other is a little sollicitous about eternal
things; but wholly exerciseth himself about corporal things, that he may freely enjoy
all his lusts and delights in contempt of God and his anger.
Aphorism 44.
The passage from the common life of man unto a Magical life, is no other but a
sleep, from that life; and an awaking to this life; for those things which happen to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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