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to be lost texts in this collection. It is another treasure for we chil-
will look for more slokas (apart from the  Chaya purusha
dren to play with - caused by language development and its his-
lakshanam mentioned by Mihira) related to this method, so as to
tory. I think, even though I am able to notice this regarding
reach a defenit conclution about the subject and its method.
Malayalam and Tamil, there is a possibility that this is the same
Yesterday I bought a book on  Hanuman Jyothish , a collec-
situation with all the other regional scripts as well. Somebody should
tion of some locally popular astrological systems which tradition-
conduct a search for  Sanskrit astrological classics in regional
ally gets associated with the Tantric systems related to  Hanuman .
scripts . Then from Southern states and from states like Kashmir,
Most of them are simple predictions using charts or chakras. The
Orisa etc new knowledge and lost texts may sprung and rise to
text I bought does not seemed to be authentic and didn t gave the
their feet, becoming visible to all. :)
original sources clearly. (It is compiled by one  Pramod Sagar
and published by  Manoj Packet Books ) In one of its chapters, I
found some slokas related to omen interpretation related to crows.
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, sreesog@yahoo.com All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
The chapter started with the words,  Nagarjuna Uvacha . As some Ek rahai to bhojanakari. Dooja lambi jaya savari.
of you may know  Nagarjuna is a popular Tantric Guru who
Teeje mrityu yatra pavai. Choudha kalaha aag jalavai
wrote Tantric texts like  Kakshapuda which contains astrology
Panch se mangal yatra kahai. Soonya aru chaH tij man ko lahai
(Kala Tantra) Medicine (Kalamantra) etc as well. He is reputed
guru of Ayurveda as well. What ever that be, Nagarjuna is a well
Notice that the language of this sloka is ancient Hindi, that
respected Guru of the Tantric Stream, even though his Tantri/Matric
sounds similar to some doha of Kabir. ;) The meaning of the sloka
books contain a large amount of superstitions as well. The pur-
is  When the crow sounds like that, measure the shadow of the
pose of telling it all here is that, I found some info about  Chhaya
native in angulas (an ancient unit of length). Then multiply this
prasna and the end of this chapter on `omens related to crows in
length with two and divide it with seven. Take the remainder and
this text of `Hanuman Jyotish . In the last but one sloka of this
based on that (based on the planet indicated by that number?) give
chapter is as follows:
the predictions. The predictions given should be 1- gain of food,
2- birth of someone, 3-death of someone, 4-more troubles, 5-get-
 Dharopari Trimsavid khande `aava aava swaram punaH
ting a good message, 6-no prediction, 7-no prediction. If six or
Yeda ratati kakastada dukhavarta kathayati
seven is the remainder then think that the crow is speaking it own
Meaning (During Prasna) if in the 3rd Khanda of a day crow
language and that it is not related to that Prasna.
cries that would sound  aava aava , then the astrologer should think
that some danger is going to happen for that individual.
Why it interests me? It seems that if we remove the crow from
this slokas, then a new system of Prasna emerges. The advice would
I am not much interested in this bit of info, since I am not an
expert in animal behavior, or understanding and interpreting the
behavior and sounds of birds and animal. ;) But notice the fact that
 Measure the shadow of the native in angulas (an ancient unit
above quoted, Nagarjuna slokas is in Sanskrit. After this sloka
of length). Then multiply this length with two and divide it with
two versions of  Chhaya Prasna are mentioned by the compiler
seven. Take the remainder and the based on the planet indicated
of the book Hanuman jyothis (pramod sagar).
by that number give the elaborate predictions. Take the sign in
which the planet is placed as the Chhaya Arudha (Shadow Arudha).
1) Chhaya Prasna  1st Version
The simple predictions for the remainder number would be, 1-
As an extension to the above sloka the compiler (of the book
gain of food, 2- birth of someone, 3-death of someone, 4-more
 Hanuman Jyotish ) quotes some local Hindi slokas that are re-
troubles, 5-getting a good message, 6-no prediction, 0-no predic-
lated to  Chhaya Prasna . Look at what he quotes, after saying
tion. If six or seven is the remainder then think that the crow is
 Punar vaktavayam adhikokti (Then I am going to say some ex-
speaking it own language and that it is not related to that Prasna.
tra things that can be said along with) 
And so if the remainder is 6 or 0 (7) then depend totally on the
 Kaka jo bole apana man. Chhaya napike keeje dugane. Chhaya Arudha. Taking that sign as the starting point and consid- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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