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to call "mine"!
"We'd probably better get this `treaty' of yours signed," Tais then
suggested to Darlanis, perhaps hoping to avoid further argument with the
little "spitfire" from Talon there at my side.
"This is a proud and historic moment for all of us here," Darlanis spoke
to everyone watching as Aurora and Tais initialed the treaty of alliance
between Talon and the Empire of California that Dala Dai had just signed. I
wondered if it really mattered all that much. We were like small children
playing our war games out in the front yard while overhead roared mighty
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bombers carry- ing the H-bomb. If there was to be "war" between California and
Dularn it would be because this one white gowned woman allowed it to happen, I
mused to myself as I stood there beside my husband. I was not drunk, but
neither was I now completely sober. I won- dered if all those there in the
great throne room understood the true meaning of Tais being here. That "SHE",
not Darlanis, was the person who truly ruled the Empire of California. The
crowds there on the floor and gathered on the balconies hushed in awe at being
in the very "presence" of this legendary woman. Darlanis' security was tight.
Her warrioresses everywhere. I suspected we were being "shown" who was the
true "ruler" of the solar system.
"Lorraine," Aurora said, touching my arm, those lovely jade green eyes
looking into mine as Raspa stood silently at my side. She is tall, 5'9", near
the same height as Darlanis. A woman who appears "ageless". One who has seen
the stars from out in space. She had "risked all" for a "dream" that had now
been suddenly taken from her. We had been told that we, Human, Woman, Lorr,
were all "unworthy" of being allowed to travel to other worlds outside our own
solar system. For us of Earth it meant little, but I suspected that to Aurora,
it had meant the crushing of a long held "dream". The Women had their
"freedom" now, but they had merely freed themselves of one "master", the Lorr,
to find a new "master" whose power they could not so easily free themselves
of. One who had told them like little children that they could not "cross the
street". I suspected Aurora in a way "blamed" me for what had happened, as I
was "responsible" for the Priestesses in the sense that I had been the one to
"suggest" them to Janet.
"I'll leave you two be," Jon said to me, strolling off. I saw Sela
dancing with the captain of Squala, Mark Berson. He is tall, blond haired.
Like a "Viking" from a long distant past. I thought it a good "match" even if
she was the Princess of Talon.
"I once had a `dream'," I said to Aurora. She nodded, her own recent
experiences no doubt allowing her to almost sense the thoughts that passed
through my mind just then. I had once thought I had the "answer" to every
problem that the human race faced. Now I wasn't so "sure" anymore. The ideas,
concepts I had discussed with Janet Rogers had been flawed by my own "arro-
gance" in believing I had "all the answers". That the best "so- lution" to
Man's problems was a benevolent dictatorship by some- one "intelligent" enough
to "guide" Mankind on the path to the stars. Janet Rogers had been my
"choice". In some ways it had been a "golden age", but only for a few decades.
It was, I knew, possible to "do it over" once again with the Priestesses of
Lys. Yet, I wondered if "that" really the "answer"? I no longer felt "sure"
any more of what I had once so confidently believed in be- fore. I no longer
believed that I had all the "answers" anymore.
"I did too," Aurora smiled, glancing at Tais. I knew of the Valkyrie
there on the Moon at Farside. In theory it could reach the stars. We had,
however, been "forbidden" the stars by Tais. Others, beings living on other
worlds, had decided "such" for us.
"I fear we have all `lost' our `dreams'," I said to Aurora.
"We are as `little children' before `them'," she said then. There was
little need to ask who she was referring to just then. The true "rulers" of
the Universe considered us as "barbarians". They, "THE GUARDIANS", had "spoken
to us" through the lips of Tais. Had imposed upon us all their own version of
the "EDICT". We would not be allowed to use the "starship" there on the Moon.
For all of us the stars would remain only just "points of light".
"WHAT DID YOU TWO DO!" I gasped, seeing that silver neck- chain there
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about Gayle's lovely throat. There being no doubt in my mind of what these two
"children" had just done either! And what Priestess had been "dumb" enough to
marry a pair like these? Such were my thoughts as I stood there "stunned" with
surprise as the pair came strolling in as if nothing important had happened! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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