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There is, however, another opinion
There is, however, one caution
There is little truth in
There is no field of human activity
There is no good reason
There is no justification for
There is no mistaking the purpose
There is no more insidious peril
There is no more striking exemplification
There is no occasion to exaggerate
There is no page of history
There is no sense in saying
There is no worse perversion
There is not a shadow of evidence
There is nothing more repulsive
There is nothing overstated in this description
There is nothing to show
There is one story which it is said
There is only one sense in which
There is some difference of opinion
There is something strangely interesting
There is yet another distinction
There is yet one other remark
There ought certainly to be
There was but one alternative
There was one remarkable incident
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 557
There will always be a number of men
There will be no difficulty
There yet remains
Therefore, there is no possibility of a doubt
Therein lies your responsibility
These alone would not be sufficient
These are enough to refute the opinion
These are general counsels
These are generalizations
These are my reasons for
These are points for consideration
These considerations have great weight with me
These exceptions do not hold in the case of
These ideas naturally present themselves
These instances are far from common
These instances are indications
These last words lead me to say
These objections only go to show
These questions I shall examine
These various partial views
They mistake the intelligence
They would persuade you to
Think for a moment
Think of the cool disregard
This absurdity arises
This appeal to the common sense
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 558
This argument is especially cogent [cogent = powerfully persuasive]
This, at least, is sure
This being the case
This being true
This being undeniable, it is plain
This being understood, I ask
This brings me to a single remark
This brings us to a subject
This episode goes to prove
This fact was soon made manifest
This from the nature of the case
This I conceive to be the business
This I consider to be my own case
This I have told you
This is a general statement
This is a very one-sided conception
This is a very serious situation
This is an astonishing announcement
This is conceded by
This is contrary to all argument
This is doubtless the truth
This is especially the case
This is essentially an age of
This is in the main just
This is like saying
This is not all
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 559
This is not the main point of objection
This is not the occasion or the place
This is obvious
This is on the whole reasonable
This is only another illustration of
This is owing in great measure to
This is precisely what we ought to do
This is said in no spirit of
This is suggested to us
This is the design and intention
This is the great fact
This is the main point on which the inquiry turns
This is the meaning of
This is the obvious answer
This is the point I want to impress upon you
This is the point of view
This is the position of our minds
This is the radical question
This is the sentiment of mankind
This is the starting-point
This is the sum
This is to be found in the fact
This is what I am led to say
This is what may be objected
This is why I take the liberty
This language is plain
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 560
This leads me to the question
This leads us to inquire
This may be said without prejudice
This might be illustrated at length
This much is certain
This sentiment was well-nigh universal
This, surely, is the conclusion
This, then, is the answer
This, then, is the drift of my illustration
This, then, is what I mean by saying
This will be evident at once
This you can not deny
Those who have watched the tendencies
Thus a great deal may be done
Thus analogy suggests
Thus far, I willingly admit
Thus I am led on to another remark
Thus if you look into
Thus instances occur now and then
Thus it comes to pass
Thus my imagination tells me
Thus much, however, I may say
Thus much I may be allowed to say
Thus much may be sufficient to recall
Thus we see
Time would not permit me
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 561
To a man of the highest public spirit
To avoid all possibility of being misunderstood
To be more explicit
To be sure, we sometimes hear
To bring the matter nearer home
To convince them of this
To feel the true force of this argument
To illustrate
To make my story quite complete
To me, however, it would appear
To my way of conceiving such matters
To prevent misapprehension
To some it may sound like a paradox
To sum up all that has been said
To sum up in one word
To take a very different instance
To the conclusion thus drawn
To the enormous majority of persons
To these general considerations
To this I answer
To this it will be replied
To what other cause can you ascribe
To-day, as never before
Treading close upon the heels
Tried by this standard
True it is
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 562
True, there are difficulties
Truly it is a subject for astonishment
Two things are made very clear
Under all the circumstances
Under these favoring conditions
Under this head
Undoubtedly we may find
Unfortunately it is a truth
Unless I could be sure
Up to this moment I have stated
Very strange is this indeed
We all agree as to
We all feel the force of the maxim
We all in equal sincerity profess
We almost shudder when we see
We are accustomed to lay stress upon
We are all familiar with
We are approaching an era
We are apt to forget
We are assembled here to-day
We are beginning to realize
We are bound to give heed
We are constantly being told
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 563
We are fulfilling what I believe to be
We are in the habit of saying
We are met to-night
We are not able to prove
We are not disinterested
We are quite unable to speculate
We are told emphatically
We are tolerably certain
We believe with a sincere belief
We can but pause to contemplate
We can imagine the amazement of
We can not but be struck with
We can not escape the truth
We can not have this too deeply fixed
We can not too highly honor the temper of
We can not wonder
We can only applaud the sentiment
We can only bow with awe
We can presume
We can remember with pride
We can see to some extent
We continually hear nowadays
We deeply appreciate the circumstances of
We do not quarrel with those
We do not question the reality
We do well to recall
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 564
We easily persuade ourselves
We feel keenly about such things
We grope blindly along
We have a firm assurance
We have a right to claim
We have an overpowering sense
We have been accustomed to
We have been told by more than one
We have come together to-night
We have great reason to be thankful
We have heard lately
We have here plain proof
We have need to examine
We have no means of knowing
We have no other alternative
We have not yet solved the problem
We have sought on this occasion
We have the evidence of this
We have the good fortune to-night
We have to admit
We have witnessed on many occasions
We hear it is said sometimes
We hear no complaint
We heartily wish and mean
We hold fast to the principle
We laugh to scorn the idea
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 565
We may all of us agree
We may be permitted to remember
We may contemplate with satisfaction
We may have a deep consciousness
We may indeed consider
We may not know precisely how
We must also look
We must constantly direct our purpose
We must not be deceived
We must not mistake
We must realize conscientiously
We must remember
We need no proof to assure us
We need not look far for reasons
We need not trouble ourselves
We of this generation
We often hear persons say
We ought in strict propriety
We pride ourselves upon the fact
We rightly pay all honor
We see in a variety of ways
We shall all doubtless concede
We shall be blind not to perceive [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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