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dates Degree Diploma dismissal duties education email employer
employment examinations false first name history home illness information
leaving offer present postcode qualifications reason referees suitability
surname title training university
Telesales Manager
Application for (1) employment as:
Sheppard Eric John
(2)________: (3)________(s):
136 Wrenhouse Street, Endham, Berkshire.
RG87 6GH
(6)________ details
01988 879910 ericshep@freemail.co.uk
(7)________ telephone: (8)________:
(9)________ and (10)________:
Briarwood Secondary, Endham
Last school(11) ________:
North London University, Holloway Road, London.
(12)________ or (13)________:
Central Business School, Addingsbury
(14)________ and (15)__________:
A-Levels: Economics, History, Geography
BA (16)________ in Business Administration (Upper second with Honours)
RSA (17)________ in Business IT.
Employment (18)________.
Safenet Insurance, Unit 7b Millsfarm Estate, Tottenham, London N17
(19)________ employer and
2002 - Present.
(20)________ of employment:
Assistant telesales manager and coordinator.
Job (21)________:
Cold-calling potential clients for Insurance scheme. Monitoring other telesales operatives as
part of quality control.
(23)________ for (24)________:
I would like to develop my potential in sales and marketing, and have more
Please give the names of two people who can give an (26)________ of your (27)________ for this job (one
of whom should be your present (28)________):
2. Alice Waugh (Ex-colleague)
1. Mr Boyd Walton (Manager)
Burrett and Dowling Insurance
Safenet Insurance
15A Searle Street
(Address above)
Rigdenbury HB2 9TY
No (29)________ will be made to your present employer before an (30)________ of employment is made to
If you have had an (31)________ in the last two years which has caused you (32)________ from work,
please give details with the number of days you were (33)________.
I confirm that the above (34)________ is correct to the best of my knowledge. I accept that deliberately
providing (35)________ information could result in my (36)________.
© Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. For reference see Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management (ISBN 0 7475 6623 2)
topic vocabulary
Unitrecruitment process
The 0000
This text about the recruitment process below has been divided into three parts. Complete each part with
the words and expressions in the boxes. The first answer for each part has been done for you.
Part 1
affirmative recruitment applicants appointments benefits
description disabilities discrimination equal opportunities
experience externally institutional agency increments
internally job centres journals leave personal qualities
private recruitment agency qualifications recruitment agency
rewards situations vacant vacancy
When a company or organisation has a 1. vacancy for a new member of staff, it usually advertises the
post. It does this 2._____________ (for example, in the company magazine or on a company notice board)
or 3._____________, either in the 4._____________ or 5._____________ section of a newspaper, in specialist
trade 6._____________ or through a 7._____________ which helps people to find employment. There are
two main types of agency. The first of these is the 8._____________, usually found in a school or university.
These work closely with employers to let potential employees know about the jobs that are on offer (also
included in this category are 9._____________, which are provided by the state, and which can be found in
most main towns in Britain and other countries). The second is the 10._____________, which are
independent companies, and employers have to pay these agencies for each employee they successfully
A job advertisement has to give an accurate 11._____________ of the job and what it requires from the
12._____________ (the people who are interested in the post). These requirements might include
13._____________ (academic, vocational and professional), work 14._____________ in similar lines of work,
and certain 15._____________ (for example, it might say that you need to be practical, professional and
have a sense of humour). The advertisement will also specify what 16._____________ (basic salary,
commission, regular 17._____________, etc) and 18._____________ (paid 19._____________, free medical
insurance, company car, etc) the company can offer in return. The advertisement must be careful it does not
break employment laws concerning sex and racial 20._____________: some companies emphasise in their
job advertisements that they are 21._____________ employers (or 22._____________ employers in the USA),
which means that they will employ people regardless of their sex, skin colour, religion, 23._____________,
© Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. For reference see Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management (ISBN 0 7475 6623 2)
topic vocabulary
Part 2
application aptitude board candidates covering CV
group-situational in-basket introduction medical one-to-one
pre-selection psychometric short-list turn down
The job advertisement will usually ask people interested in the post to send their 1. CV with a
2._____________ letter or a letter of 3._____________, or they will ask people to write or call for an
4._____________ form. The managers of the company will look at these, and go through a
5._____________ procedure, where they choose or 6._____________ applicants. They then prepare a
7._____________ of possible 8._____________: these are the people who will then be invited for an
interview. Interviews usually take one of two forms. The first is the 9._____________ interview, with one
applicant and one employer talking together. The second is the 10._____________ interview, with one
applicant being interviewed by several people at once.
There may also be tests to see whether the applicant is suitable for the post. There are several of these,
including 11._____________ tests (which look at psychological traits of the applicant), 12._____________
tests, which test the applicant's skills and knowledge, and his / her potential for acquiring more skills and
knowledge), 13._____________ tests (where several applicants are put into an imaginary situation and
decide how to deal with it), and 14._____________ tests (in which an applicant has to deal with a number
of imaginary tasks similar to those s/he would face in the job). Applicants may also have to go for a
15._____________ test to see whether they are healthy enough for the work.
Part 3
appearance circumstances disposition fixed-term follow-up
induction programme intelligence interests offered open-ended
potential probationary references seven-point plan
skills temporary
Many employers use a 1. seven-point plan when they recruit for a new post. They look at different
aspects of the applicant to decide whether or not s/he has the correct 2._____________ for the job. These
include physical 3._____________ (for example, is the applicant smart and well-presented?), educational
qualifications, general 4._____________, special 5._____________, hobbies and outside 6._____________,
mental and emotional 7._____________ and family 8._____________.
If a candidate gets through the above stages, s/he will be asked to provide 9._____________ from people
who know him / her, and if these are positive s/he is then 10._____________ the post. Before s/he actually
starts working, s/he may go through an 11._____________ to learn more about the company and the post.
Sometimes, s/he may be given a 12._____________ contract and have to complete a 13._____________
period, where the employers make sure that s/he is suitable for the job before being offered an
14._____________ or 15._____________ contract. After s/he has been with the company for a while, there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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