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and Pseudo-Judeo-Christian Influence
and Pseudo-Judeo-Christian Influence
and Pseudo-Judeo-Christian Influence
and claimed the transmission of ancient knowledge, although not
always of the Judeo-Christian variety; e.g. The Red Men organization
in which Caucasians dressed up like Native Americans and suppos-
Section I: Fraternal Influence
edly passed on the knowledge of Native Americans.
The liturgy and hierarchy of Freemasonry is somewhat based on
The (Slim) Possibility of Fraternal Influence various Old Testament precedents, in particular with respect to the
The (Slim) Possibility of Fraternal Influence
The (Slim) Possibility of Fraternal Influence
The (Slim) Possibility of Fraternal Influence
The (Slim) Possibility of Fraternal Influence
 patriarchal/male elements; which is understandable given the male
on the Carleton Druids.
on the Carleton Druids.
on the Carleton Druids.
on the Carleton Druids.
on the Carleton Druids.
audience for which it was developed. Intrinsic to the beliefs of Free-
An hypothesis brought up by my research was the possibility of
mason is the symbolic image of God as the Supreme Architect of
Masonic and/or Fraternal influence on the very early RDNA. It is
Creation.152 Nature and Man reflect the perfect mathematical/geo-
important to state here that little to no attention has been spent on
metrical genius of God. Through the order and chaos inherent in
this idea before now by the members of the RDNA (partly due to the
Nature, and of course Mankind, one could see the mind of God.
Fisher s reluctance to talk about the issue), and because very few
While few Freemasons ran out into the woods to seek God, some
members really consider it to be important. For them, the group
started in 1963. Period. However, I feel it is necessary to address this
Some of the Nature-oriented Freemasons and Fraternally-oriented
issue because of the recent renaissance of modern Druid groups in
people were also familiar with the Renaissance interest in studying
Europe and America whose origins came from fraternal organiza-
ancient Classical documents, some of which referred to a group of
tions. Out of academic honesty, scholars using the International Druid
Celtic priests who didn t hold services indoors but in wooded areas;
Archives at Carleton should be aware of any uncertainties pertaining
i.e. the God in Nature element. Also in ancient Classical documents
to the independent origins of the RDNA and the American Druid
on Druids is the recurrent belief among Greeks and Romans that
Movement. I should however caution the reader that I am not a
the Druids were the heirs of Pythagoras philosophical beliefs (or
member of any such Fraternal/Masonic order, and that I am only
vice-a-versa); which were derived from purity of the science of geom-
relying upon common, published matter for my information.
etry.153 Add on to this that the Druids were primarily located in
There are a number of elements that lend credence to the possibil-
Western Europe (but also on Danube & Turkey) and were possibly
ity that the RDNA may unwittingly be an offshoot of previous Druid
the ancestors of some of the people in Britain, France, Germany and
Masonic order, or perhaps based on a few ideals snatched from a
Italy; and you have race-pride thrown into the equation. During the
fraternal organization.150 Both groups (RDNA and Masonic Druids/
early 1700s, William Stukeley (during one of his more addled states
Fraternal Organization/Fraternities) have some vague similarities in
of mind) gave authority to the rumors that the stone circles in Eu-
the areas of liturgy, calendars, costume, philosophy, drinking, and a
rope and the British Isles were built by Celtic Priests. Nobody could
Judeo-Christian bent. In addition to this, I believe that there were
understand how the megaliths were raised with simple tools, so of
minor opportunities of access to such information by the early mem-
course some secret knowledge of architecture was required. Because
bers of the RDNA.
the builders of the Temple of Solomon were, of course, the greatest
architects a few Fraternalists claimed that the Druids were the direct
Loose History of Masonry and Fraternal
heirs of FreeMasonic ideas and knowledge. As a result, hordes of
Organizations by a Non-Expert fraternal organizations popped up calling themselves Druids. Because
little to nothing was academically known about ancient Celtic reli-
For the reader who is completely unfamiliar with Fraternalism, I
gion, few academics openly doubted the groups statements and their [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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