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up his usual athletic wear for a pair of black slacks and a light blue button up shirt. He looked good.
Daniel led me out the front of the house where his car was already waiting. My mouth dropped
at the sight of it. I guess I shouldn t have been too surprised. After all, Daniel was a young millionaire
athlete, sports cars were pretty much designed for that demographic. But the black Mercedes
convertible I was looking at still blew my mind. I got into the plush leather passenger seat and
watched as Daniel grimaced lightly getting into his seat.
 Are you ok to drive with your knee? I can always do it.
 Oh no, I m good thanks. It hurts a bit when I sit down, but the pain passes quickly and then I m
Just then, the engine roared to life as Daniel pressed the button to turn it on. I grabbed the side
of the seat as Daniel pressed the gas and we zoomed out of his place. It wasn t that he was speeding
or anything; he wasn t. It was just that I could tell the engine was so immensely powerful, it felt like
Daniel was holding back a cheetah that had just spotted a herd of zebras on the other side of the plain.
My old car had always puttered along at 30, going up hills always seemed like a challenge to
it. When this car reached a hill it seemed like it was being set free, like it could accelerate for
eternity. I had never thought of driving as potentially being fun, and I knew I now never would, but I
could see why others might see the appeal of it as we drove in this car.
Eyes turned to watch as Daniel parked the car along a street downtown. We got out and Daniel
led me a half block down to what he called his favourite pizza place.
It was kind of a diner style, with big booths and a counter up the front. We sat down at one of
the booths and a waitress came by with menus.
I glanced through the menu, getting to choose what I wanted to eat for the first time in what felt
like ages.
 I didn t realize how much I missed choice, I said, laughing as I realized absolutely
everything looked delicious.
 I know. I basically want to order one of everything. Should we get a large pizza, go half and
 Yeah, I like that. I was thinking of getting the Hawaiian.
 Cool. I like the Mexican Taco pizza, how s that sound for the other half.
 Good! I ve never actually tasted any pizza with those  gourmet type flavours, I usually stick
with the classics: pepperoni, ham and pineapple, meat lovers. But Mexican Taco sounds good, it
sounds interesting.
 It is, you ll like it. You have to live a little. Eat pizza outside your comfort zone!
 That I can try, happily.
The waitress came back and took our orders, bringing us some pop to drink, and Daniel and I
leaned back and chatted lightly.
 So what was life like, growing up in Canada?
 Really, it was a lot like here in a lot of ways, but different as well. I grew up in a suburb of
Toronto, which being on the east coast, the weather was the real difference. I actually played hockey
outside in the winter long before I played on an organized team. My mom has pictures of me as a three
year old in the rink in our backyard that my dad would set up every year. When I moved here, the fact
that the temperature almost never drops into the negatives was the major change.
 That must be nice, I can t imagine living somewhere with colder winters than here.
 Well, you get used to it pretty quickly. It s nice not having to bundle up in about twenty layers
before you leave the house, that s for sure. How about you, did you grow up here?
I nodded.
 Yeah, I m Seattle born and bred. Lived here my whole life. I thought when I applied to a
whole bunch of medical schools out of state that I might have to leave, since I never really expected
to get approved here, but when I did, I was pretty glad. I know I would otherwise have had to suck it
up and learn to live somewhere new, but I do really love it here. I was glad I didn t have to leave.
 I can understand that. Moving is tough, especially when you do it for the first time. You don t
know anyone, you don t know where anything is, the first few months can be hard. But still, you get
used to it quickly. You find new places, like here.
Almost right on cue the waitress came by with our pizzas. The next few minutes were spent
digging into what I had quickly decided was my new favourite pizza joint.
I tried a slice of the Mexican Taco and secretly swore at myself for never daring to try  non-
traditional flavours of pizza before. The succulent beef, red onion and jalapenos were a perfect
combo, and dipping the slice into some sour cream just made it perfect.
 Damn, I missed eating here, and I was only gone for like, a month, Daniel said before
practically devouring another slice of pizza.
 It s definitely good. I can t believe I didn t know this place existed. You ve lived here for
what, a quarter of the amount of time that I have, and yet I ve never tried this pizza.
 Yeah, well, Seattle s a big city. I m sure you know tons of places here that I don t know. In
fact, maybe for our next date you choose where we go.
 Our next date, huh? That seems a bit presumptuous of you, I teased.
 I just figured there s no way you d be able to say no to my enormous charm,
 Yes, I love a man with a string of cheese on his chin, I replied, and Daniel scrambled to
wipe it off with a napkin.
 Liar, there was no cheese there.
 No, there wasn t, but I made Mr. Cool, Calm and Charming panic for a minute.
 So, are you accepting my invite for a second date, or not?
 I don t think I can resist. Deal. I know a cafe that do a great brunch, we ll go on Sunday.
Daniel grinned at me.  I knew I was too sexy for you to resist, and I threw a napkin at him.
As much as I knew Daniel was joking, I couldn t help but be all too aware of the fact that my
body did think he was ridiculously sexy. I could feel my body shudder uncontrollably when he looked
at me, my sex clenching, my panties moistening.
Tingles ran down my spine every time Daniel flirted with me. I had never wanted him so much
in my life, and here we were. We could do whatever we wanted. Daniel knew it as well. I wondered
if we were going to do anything. It had been so long since I d had a boyfriend, and I had never really
done the one night stand thing, I didn t really know how these things were supposed to go.
Eventually we finished eating. We sat together in the booth for a while, talking. I liked Daniel.
I liked hearing about his life.
 So you re going to go back to medical school in September? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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