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Besides, they both had nasty tempers if they didn t get to be part of the siblings and parents art.
 Fine. I see how it is. You like him better. She sniffed and wiped a non-existent tear at the edge
of her eye. Not that she actually touched her makeup in the process, but the move worked for her.
Decker rolled his eyes then punched her softly in the shoulder.  Shut up. You just did work on my
arm, and you get my leg next. It s Austin s turn now.
She smiled, and he wasn t sure if it was a good one or a you ll be sorry one, but he rolled with
He looked over his shoulder to see Colleen in a conversation with one of Sierra s girls so he let
her be then looked at the empty beer bottle in his hand.  I m going to get a refill. Any of you want
They shook their heads, and he said his goodbyes before walking over to the cooler. Alex,
another Montgomery seriously, there were eight siblings and countless cousins so he was always
walking over a Montgomery or two stood by the cooler, a tumbler of amber liquid in his hand.
Decker looked over his shoulder at the crowd and frowned.  Where s Jessica? Jessica was
Alex s high school sweetheart and wife. When they d first gotten married a few years ago, she d
always come to the family events, though she never exactly fit in. It wasn t like she tried, either. The
Montgomerys had tried on their part to welcome her into their midst, but for some reason, it never
really took. Now, come to think of it, Decker hadn t seen her at one of these events in awhile.
Alex snorted then took another drink. From the glassy look in his eyes, this wasn t his first drink.
Well fuck. This wasn t good.
 Like she d come to one of these, Alex drawled. He didn t sound drunk, but Decker could never
tell with Alex. The fact that he knew something was off at all was because of experience. He d dealt
with enough drunks and near-drunks to last a lifetime.  She s off with her girls at the spa or
something. She didn t feel like celebrating Sierra and Austin s engagement since she s never actually
met Sierra.
Decker s eyebrows lifted toward his hairline.  She hasn t met Sierra yet? How is that possible?
Jessica was already a Montgomery, and it wasn t like Sierra was new to the family. She already lived
with Austin and was helping raise his son.
 It s possible when you re Jessica. Alex took another drink and looked the other way.
Okay then. Conversation over.
Decker shifted from foot to foot. Alex had always been the one to joke and make people laugh.
That wasn t what Decker saw now, and it scared him a bit. The man in front of him looked angry&
and drunk. Decker knew drunks. He d lived with one off and on until he d finally been able to break
He didn t want to see it again.
 You want a water, Alex? he asked calmly. Tiptoeing around it wouldn t help, but coming right
out and asking if the man he called his brother was an alcoholic wouldn t either.
Alex gave him a small smile instead of getting angry, which surprised Decker.  I m good. The
man didn t leave to refill his drink, but that didn t mean he wouldn t do it once Decker was out of
sight. He didn t know what to do, but as long as Alex knew he was there, maybe that could help.
 Okay. Just& you know I m here, right? he asked softly.
Alex s face closed up, and he lifted his chin. Damn.  I m good, he repeated.
Decker searched his face and couldn t find a way past the barriers. He d keep an eye on him
though. This man was his brother, blood or no.
He got a soda instead of a beer, his stomach not quite ready for booze after that, and walked over
to his best friend, Griffin. The man held the same look as the rest of the Montgomerys, dark hair and
blue eyes, but with the same slender build as Wes, rather than the brick-house look of Austin or even
Storm. Griffin was the easiest going of the family, the writer who spent most of his time in his own
head, rather than in the real world. His mess of a house reflected that, but Decker loved him anyway.
They were the same age, so they d grown up like twins after a while. Decker might have more in
common with Austin on some levels and work closely with Wes and Storm, but Griffin was the one he
knew best.
 Glad to see you finally found your way over to me, Griffin joked. He sat in one of the outdoor
chairs and waved at the empty one.  Take a seat. I m people watching.
Decker laughed then did as he was told.  First, you could have come over to me. It wasn t like I
was blocking you. Second, this is your family. Why are you watching them?
Griffin took a sip of his beer then shook his head.  You were with Colleen, and as I can t stand
that giggle of hers, I didn t want to join in.
 Giggle? Decker asked, a little annoyed that Grif would judge his date. It wasn t like he and
Colleen were married, but still. Pointing out something like that didn t seem right.
 Giggle, Griffin repeated.  You know it. Whenever she giggles, your shoulders tense, and you
get that little twitch at the corner of your mouth.
Huh, now that he mentioned it& Nope, not going to think about it. He still had the rest of the night
and probably more nights with the woman. It wouldn t do to nitpick and then zoom in on those quirks
for too long. He wouldn t be able to get over it.
 You noticed all that? he asked, draining some of his soda.
 Yep. I told you. I people watch. In fact, I m watching that asshole and my sister right now. I
really want to beat the shit out of him, but I m not sure she d appreciate that. She doesn t like when
the rest of us threaten to maim or murder her husband.
Decker frowned then looked over at Meghan and her husband, Richard. Meghan was three years
older than him and had always struck him as warm, friendly, and not to be messed with. She was like
the mother hen of the clan and stood up for herself.
But not now.
Now she had her shoulders slouched and her head down. Richard was snapping about something,
and each time he spoke, Meghan turned in on herself just that much more. Nope. This wasn t going to
Decker stood up, set his soda down, and then rolled his shoulders.  You ready? he growled at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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