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battlefields of Lodoss, Alecrast, and Crystania.
dedicated to Falaris scattered throughout Lodoss.
The Age of Gods was over, and Eternity had
These cults are some of the bloodiest and
come to an end. After the last of the mighty gods
abominable, second only to the cults of Kardis.
perished, the world began anew. Life returned to
Forceria under the watchful guidance of the restful
Marfa, Mother-Goddess of Creation
spirits of the fallen gods.
Marfa, Goddess of Creation. Marfa was the
Indeed, the gods no longer live as great and
last of the Gods of Light, and in the final battle fought
mighty beings of cosmic forces. No longer do they
against Kardis, the last of the Pantheon of Darkness.
walk upon the earth, command the legions and
Marfa was responsible for the actual creation of
armies, and rule the world from great palace-temples.
Lodoss itself. To protect the continent of Alecrast,
But their essence and spirits remain. Though broken
she separated a large island from the mainland, and
and diminished, the power and the words of gods
there the two goddesses pitted themselves in
lives on. Their will is strong, their love and fury still
relentless combat. Just as in all battles before, both
burn within the earth, and their might and magic can
combatants destroyed one another. Marfa perished
be felt across the lands of Lodoss and beyond.
on Lodoss, and with her last breath, created a great
enchantment to protect it from the curse of Kardis.
Falis, Supreme God of Light
Her spirit is still quite strong on Lodoss, and her
Falis was once chief among the Gods of
priests are among the most powerful and well
Light. He led his pantheon in the war against the
pantheon of darkness. Falis was known for his
goodness, righteousness, and virtue. He was one of
Kardis, Dark Goddess of Destruction
the most ancient of the gods, formed from the Chaos
Kardis, Goddess of Destruction and
Sea of Atsuki. In the War of the Gods, Falis and
Madness. Kardis was the last God of Darkness, and
Falaris destroyed one another in mutual annihilation.
fought Marfa on the island of Lodoss in the final battle
In the wake of his destruction, Falis's spirit was
of the gods. There, both goddesses destroyed one
scattered across Lodoss like ash. Falis's spirit still
another, bringing a final end to the War of the Gods.
enchants the land, and his will can be felt, still pitted
Kardis's burning body crashed on the island of
in the constant struggle against the will of Falaris.
Marmo, just to the south of Lodoss, and there she
Priests of Falis enjoy a popular reputation for being
died, screaming great and terrible curses upon the
the most noble and honorable priests of any religion
land. Only Marfa's blessing was able to protect
in Lodoss.
Lodoss from her curse (though Lodoss is still called
the Accursed Island). Kardis's spirit is still extremely
powerful. Her influence on Marmo is so strong in
fact, sensitive wizards and other magic users can
often feel her presence. The Ancient Dragon Narse, possessed the body of Ashram, whereby he became
who fought at Kardis's side, made his home in the the most powerful god in Crystania. Barbas is still
caves near where she perished. Two temples where worshiped by dark death-cults in Lodoss and Marmo,
built on her resting place. First, the Temple of Falaris though these cults are very few in number and work
was built by the priests of Falaris many hundred in dire secrecy. The worship of Barbas (called
years ago. The actual Temple of Kardis is beneath Barbarism?) is illegal in most parts of Lodoss. The
the Temple of Falaris, and acts as a sarcophagus to spirit of Barbas rewards those who worship him with
the goddess who lies between death and sleep. great powers of necromancy and black magic.
Kardis was nearly resurrected by Wagnard, but the
resurrection ceremony was not completed, and she
Rada, God of Wisdom and Knowledge
still resides in her eternal slumber. The priests of
Rada is the God of Wisdom and Knowledge.
Kardis are the most abhorrent of all the priest of
He was the strongest advocated against the War of
the Gods, proclaiming that the War would tear the
heavens and the earth apart. Rada attempted to
Baylos, God of Fire and Fury mediate a peace settlement with the Gods of
Baylos is the God of Fire and Fury. He is a Darkness, but was soon slain in battle by a Baylos,
God of Darkness who died fighting Myrii, the God of the God of Fire. Baylos had once been a God of
War. Originally, Baylos was a God of Light (as God Light and a good friend of Rada, but had been turned
of Fire and Justice), and was a good friend of Rada to Darkness. Baylos killed Rada when he tried to
(God of Wisdom and Knowledge), but in the course convince his old friend to return to the Light and help
of the War of the Gods, he was corrupted into him end the war before all was lost. When Rada
Darkness, and became a terrible and furious god, died, all hope of ending the Wars end died with him.
insane with his own twisted ideas of justice. Baylos Rada is considered the patron god of the arts
killed Rada when the God of Wisdom tried to and sciences. He presides over inventions and truth,
convince him of the error of his ways, and Myrii, God and teaches people to live more rationally. His
of War, had no choice but to slay Baylos. When priests are well-learned men, and respected for their
Baylos died, Justice died with him, and in the fury of keen intellects. Rada's priests and followers are
his death crime and disorder were forever cursed even more pacifistic than those of Falis. Where
upon the world. There are cults dedicated to Baylos, Priest of Falis believe it is acceptable to attack and
though his worship is outlawed on Lodoss. Followers destroy evildoers, followers of Rada believe only in
of Baylos share his twisted sense of justice. They total non-violence. Priests of Rada do know
hunt down and destroy those they believe are guilty, defensive spells, but only those spells that
and sacrifice them to Baylos as an offering for power. incapacitate or otherwise dissuade attackers (Sleep,
Such human sacrifices are terribly bloody. Daze, and other such spell are quite common). Rada
is primarily worshipped on Cyrstania, though there
are several shrines to him in Roid and Alan.
Myrii, God of War and Virtue
Powerful Myrii is the God of War and Virtue.
He is the patron god of all soldiers and warriors, Cha Za, God of Trade
thought he only protects those of true virtue and Cha Za is the God of Trade and Commerce.
honor (and perhaps this is why heroes are so He is a God of Light, and is the patron god of
"lucky"). Myrii was the general and commander of merchants, craftsmen, and travelers. Like the other [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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