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escaped together. If she hadn t seen the destroyed remains, she wouldn t have been able
to sleep in this room. With safety and privacy assured, though, staying here had meant
keeping a connection, however fragile, to both of her lovers.
Art finished hanging the Do Not Disturb sign and locking the door behind them.
He crossed the room to stand beside her, his hand going to rest on her hip.  I m not
sure who enjoyed crushing it more, Lance or me.
 It s a draw, Lance said. He moved to take her other side, his fingers twining with
hers.  I m not against the idea of making home movies for the three of us to enjoy, but I
have a strong aversion to sneaking voyeurs and blackmailers.
 What happened to that footage, anyway? Gwen asked, not really stalling. She just
hadn t thought to ask, after her initial relief when it wasn t broadcast on the internet
following Art and Lance s business announcement.
 We took care of it. There was something in Art s voice that made her turn her
head and meet his eyes.
Two Knights in Camelot
 Yes. He smiled, and it wasn t a kind expression. It held the fierce joy of victory
over injustice.  We erased it. And everything else the hacker known as Mordred did or
ever tries to do on any computer that ever connects to the internet.
Their version of revenge warmed her soul.  Good thing you guys are on the right
 We use our powers only for good, Art agreed.  And now we re going to use them
to win our lady s favor.
 You already have that, Gwen admitted.
Lance s hand tightened on hers as he bent to kiss the sensitive spot just below her
ear.  Maybe we want to show off for you anyway. And you re still not convinced a
relationship that includes all three of us can work.
Not convinced, maybe, but the experience in the office made her cautiously
Caution slipped away as Lance s lips travelled along her jawline and then teased
the corner of her mouth.  I love you, Gwen. Let us love you together.
For an answer, she turned her face the fraction it took for her mouth to meet his. He
kissed her long and deep, holding her hand while Art undressed her with practiced
speed. She cooperated, shifting and raising an arm or foot as needed. When she was
naked between them, she muttered against Lance s lips,  You have too many clothes
 Not for long. He let go of her hand so he could use both of his to strip. Behind
her, she heard the rustle of fabric and the hiss of a zipper that told her Art was shedding
clothing too. Then they were finished and there weren t any more barriers between
them and what they all wanted.
The knowledge made her knees weak. So it was fortunate that Lance picked her up
before she fell down. The two men arranged her on her side on the bed and positioned
themselves on either side of her, Lance facing her, Arthur spooning up behind.
Charlene Teglia
 This& oh, she whispered, at a loss for words. Arthur s body bent protectively
around hers, his hand resting on her waist, his penis cushioned by her bare butt.
Lance s chest met her nipples. Lower, his hard length brushed her belly. The contact
seared her, awakened forbidden longings. She wanted her body joined with both of
theirs, shared fully. She wasn t sure it was possible or how to ask. But just being
between them was more than she d dared to hope for.
 It shakes me too, Lance admitted. He hooked her thigh over his and pulled her
closer. Art stayed with her, holding and caressing her, giving permission and approval
to enjoy another man s touch.  I need you more than I imagined I could need anyone. I
need to touch you and know you re safe here with us both.
 I don t know how safe this is, Gwen said unsteadily. She arched her back and
moved with them both, pressing Art s cock into the cleft between her buttocks while her
pelvis tilted to invite Lance s possession. His shaft rode between her thighs, his head
pressing into her labia. The touch of his most intimate flesh to hers made her breath
 Physically? I m in perfect health. We all are.
Gwen let out a little laugh and shook her head.  That s not what I meant.
 Your heart is as safe with both of us as your body is, Lance promised.
 You didn t have a jealous fit when Art screwed me in front of you on the desk,
Gwen allowed.  That doesn t mean I m not still a little worried. It s not just my heart I
want safe.
 You love us both, Art said, kissing her temple as his skillful fingers reached down
to tease her clit, opening and readying her for Lance to take.  Let us both love you.
 I want you to, she admitted.  I want both of you to love me. With your bodies.
He went still behind her.  What are you asking for?
Two Knights in Camelot
She fisted her hand in the sheet, nervous and frustrated.  I don t know. I don t
know how this works. I mean, I could take you in my mouth if Lance was kneeling
behind me, but I want to try something more. Something that lets me have sex face-to-
face with one of you while the other&  Her voice trailed off into uncertainty.
 You want me to take you from behind? Art kept petting her pussy, arousing her
further while his cock heated her backside until it was all she could do not to squirm.
 Full double penetration?
 I m not sure. I mean, hot idea. But, well. It could be awkward. Difficult.
 It doesn t have to be, Art murmured, a thread of sexual assurance in his voice.
 Remember your birthday?
She remembered. He had spent a week leading up to it. Anal play the first night,
limited to gentle single-digit penetration with plenty of lubricant. More the next night.
And as she grew more comfortable they d progressed to two fingers scissoring deep
inside, stretching her tissues. The next night he d given her a small anal plug and left it
inserted while they made love. The sensation of being penetrated two ways had
aroused her to new heights and made their bodies fit together even tighter, increasing
their mutual pleasure. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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