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she shrieked, punctuating each word with her small fist pounding his back. To
hell with a
It would not work between them? He would prove to her exactly how wrong she
was. He sensed the sexual tension humm ing through her body and felt their
connection. Why did she continue to defy him? "Quit fighting, it is too
late. We left
earth's atmosphere while you were under seda tion. Your friends, th e aunts
and seventy-
three additional earth women are bound for Gattonia, and you, my obstinate
mate, are
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
bound for my mat."
Cat was stunned. Seventy-three? How had they found seventy-three willing
women in one day? The answer was perversely clear. They'd stolen them. He
even had to lie about it; she d gone along will ingly and condemned all of
them to an
uncertain future at best. He'd manipulated her as easily as a parent bribing
a child with
a puppy. Only she wasn't a child. She wanted her old life back and her
friends safe from
these dictatorial feline space pirates.
"This is cave man strategy, let's discuss it, you re about to do something
you'll be
sorry for later," she pleaded, knowing it to be fruitless or fruitful
depending on how
things progressed.
"It will be my strategy with you from now on, accept it," he said as the panel
silently open then shut with finality.
He dumped her on the platmat and began to strip with slow purpose. She had
seen him naked before, of course, but the unleashed raw sexual energy oozing
off his
powerful frame held her spell bound. She stared helplessly ; he personified
the most
awesome forces of nature as sensuality su rrounded him& and engulfed her
senses. The
top of his uniform seemed to separate on its own as he slowly drew it down his
and torso; she'd have to be dead not to be affected.
She squirmed at the dampness between her legs.
He smiled.
God, he was breathtaking. Her very own liv ing, breathing, burnished gold
His massive shoulders and arms rippled wi th power; his stomach muscles,
delineated, clenched as her gaze fastened on them.
She couldn't catch her breath.
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Lil Gibson
He continued to reveal himself, drawi ng his garment past his abdomen to his
manhood. He hung huge and hard and she gr ew nervous, wondering how it would
inside her. Angel had assured her they di d, but then she d been talking
about men, not
Gattonians. Were they larger down there? Would he rip her to shreds? She
began to
have second thoughts about the whole process, and the more she stared, the
larger it
bulged and jerked. He discar ded his uniform in a rectangul ar panel that
opened and
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
sucked it in then turned and headed toward the console. Hard and firm, his
flexed in time to his strides, and his legs, long and solid, corded and
gleamed as he leaned
over to issue orders of privacy. He would take no chances of being di
sturbed this night.
She inched closer to panic mode. Her destiny had arrived too soon.
Zorroc read her unease and prepared himself for yet another futile round of
negotiations. He would have his way in th e end and nothing she co uld say or
do would
alter the outcome. He had a lot to teach her and he wanted to give it his
full, considerable
His Cat looked in danger of bolting. A little fear was a good thing he
just look what she had done to him earlier. She could have crippled his man
root for life.
Luckily, it seemed to have recovered nicely. She had many weapons at her
disposal, as
he continued to learn first hand.
"I will have you naked, Cata rina," he began calmly as he sauntered toward
female. "I will help you undress and then we will begin the petting," he
hypnotically, all the while mindspeaking that all would be well, they would
fit as a hand
in glove; her pleasure would be his foremost desire. "Now, my present, we
will unwrap
Her disquieting scrutiny pool ed into his unfaltering one for a moment and
she relaxed, equal parts wary and expectant. He went to the front of her
slacks and
released them expertly. She wondered at his expertise as he stripped her of
her slacks and
panties in one deft motion. He was pleased with the possessive thought.
"Don t get too confident, cat man, I still have more weapons."
He looked at her incredulously for an inst ant; would she continue to fight
As he studied her, reading the bravado behind her words. Though uncertain,
she would
trust him in this. Would she again trust him in anything else? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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