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shifted back to his human form and scrambled down the porch steps
to his friend.  Is he okay? Is he dead?
Cash knelt down beside him and pressed two fingers to the side of
Edan s throat.  He s alive, Ced. I think he had to spell himself along
with Graham.
 What? Cedric s head snapped up and his eyes rounded.  No.
Bring him back. Fix him.
 I don t know how, but maybe Salem can help.
 He at least has the security to keep them both safe until we can
figure out how to undo the bewitchment, Cayson added as he limped
toward them.  He s fine, Cedric. Edan is just taking a really long nap,
and I figure after three thousand years, he kind of deserves a rest.
Cedric supposed that was right, but he was going to miss his
friend until they could find a cure for him. On the other hand, Edan
was now probably the safest person in their group, and the vampire
king definitely had enough manpower to protect him.  Okay, call
* * * *
 Dorian and Simon are on their way back, Cedric announced
with a huge smile as he bounced into the kitchen where Cash was
preparing dinner a few nights later.  They have a ton of blood
samples and other gross stuff, I guess. I have no idea how they re
going to get that crap through Customs, but whatever.
148 Gabrielle Evans
 Well, hopefully Dr. McKenna can find something in those
samples that will help.
 We re still going to the zoo tomorrow, right?
 Atty will be by to get you around six. I ll meet you there when
the sun sets. Fisher hadn t gotten worse, but he wasn t getting any
better, either. Dr. McKenna wanted to try a total blood transfusion,
but he needed uncontaminated blood from paranormals before he
could do that.
 And they still haven t found anything that can help Edan?
Cash wished he had better news, but so far, they d found very
little that even made sense to them.  We re still looking, but it could
take a while.
 Yeah, I know. Cedric sighed softly before plastering a bright
smile on his face.  Are you almost finished?
Placing the chicken and potatoes into the oven, Cash kicked the
door closed with this foot and held his arms out wide.  I m all yours
for the next hour and half.
 What happens in an hour and half?
 You have to share me with the chicken.
Cedric snorted loudly.  You re an idiot. Backing out of the
kitchen, he wiggled his hips and crooked his finger.  Come with me.
Cash knew that look and wasn t about to waste a second of
whatever Cedric had planned for them. Darting across the kitchen, he
snatched his lover up over his shoulder and had them inside their
bedroom in less than a second.
 You always cheat, Cedric said with an uncharacteristic giggle as
he bounced on the mattress where Cash dropped him.  You know
you re stronger than me, so you have to promise to do what I tell
Oh, he was liking this game already.  All right, darlin , you have
my promise.
A wicked gleam shone in Cedric s eyes, followed by a sly smirk.
 Clothes off and get on the bed.
Eight Second Fall 149
 Yes, sir, he teased, stripping out of his clothes and tackling his
lover back to the mattress.  I m on the bed.
 No, you aren t. You re on me, ya big oaf. Cedric pecked him on
the lips before shoving at his chest.  Roll over on your back.
Cash flopped over and stretched out, lacing his fingers together
behind his head.  What do you have planned, darlin ?
 Well, you ve been torturing me for the better part of two weeks,
love. I figured turnabout was fair play. There was a whole lot of
undisguised satisfaction in the shifter s voice, but Cash figured he had
it coming after all the coming he d made Cedric do with that toy.
Reaching underneath the bed, Cedric brought out a long, slender
box and sat it on the bed beside Cash s hip. Every move he made
seemed to be in slow motion, torturing Cash by leaving him waiting
in suspense.
 This, he announced with a satisfied smile,  is called the Ball
Gag. He held up an oddly shaped butt plug that looked nothing like a
ball gag.
The plug itself was long and slender with a circular base nothing
out of the ordinary. What caught Cash s attention, however, were the
two prongs that curved out and upward from the base with large,
metal balls at the tips.  What is that?
 I just told you. Cedric wiggled his eyebrows as he extracted a
bottle of lube from the box and flipped the cap on it.  Do you trust
Since he trusted Cedric with his life, Cash merely bent his knees
and spread his thighs, opening himself up for his mate s exploration.
 Do your worst.
 I ve never stretched anyone before, so tell me if I hurt you.
One slick finger brushed over Cash s entrance, hesitantly at first
but gaining confidence. After a few seconds of gentle rubbing,
Cedric s finger pushed a little more insistently, popping through the
guarding muscles and making Cash groan.
150 Gabrielle Evans
 Keep going, he encouraged when Cedric looked up at him in
alarm.  Feels good, baby.
Slow and diligent, Cedric used long, gentle strokes to stretch him
as he pumped his fingers in and out of Cash s hole. Once he had three
fingers gliding effortlessly without resistance, he pulled his fingers
free and retrieved the toy, slicking it generously with the lube.
 Deep breath, love.
The blunt tip nudged Cash s entrance only briefly before Cedric
inserted the toy in one, smooth plunge that had Cash s hard cock
jerking as pre-cum dribbled over his lower abs. The curved prongs
wrapped around his sac, cradling his balls and keep them pressed tight
to his body. The metal ends rested just under his cock where the shaft [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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