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He brushed his finger down her cheek, raising chills all over her body. "The infection from my wound
returned and I couldn't."
"He shouldn't be here now," Lochlan said as he stood at the foot of the stairs. "He's still too weak to
travel, but when he learned you were to marry Ryan, he refused to stay abed. No doubt you'll be paying
for this bout of stupidity as well."
Ignoring his brother's words, Ewan tipped her chin up so that she had no choice but to look up at him
and see the fire in his blue eyes that devoured her.
"Run away with me, Nora," he breathed. "I'll take you anyplace you want to go. England. France.
Rome. Outremer. You name it, and I'll gladly take you there."
Tears fell down her cheeks at his loving words. It was more than she could have asked for. "Anyplace?"
"Then I wish to take you to bed& "
Shocked gasps filled the crowd.
"To heal!" she said irritably as she glared at them as a whole. She shook her head at them. "What good
would he be if dies of his wounds? Then I still end up married to Ryan. What good would that be?"
"I should be offended by that," Ryan said as the crowd laughed. "But she's said much worse to me than
that over the years."
He clapped Ewan on the back. " 'Tis just as well, I would have more than likely killed her within a year
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anyway, or run off with another. Peace be with the two of you, Ewan and Nora, and may the saints in
their mercy bring early hearing loss to all the MacAllisters."
Nora gaped at Ryan's words.
"Nay," Ewan said. "I want no deafness in my life to deprive me of the beauty of her voice."
She smiled up at him, then threw herself into his arms.
Ewan staggered back, and only Lochlan's quick actions kept him from falling with her.
"I'm sorry, Ewan," she breathed. "I forgot."
"I don't mind." By the happy look of his face, she could tell he meant that.
"So, do I need to retire from this?" the priest asked.
Ewan shook his head. "Nay, Father. You've a wedding to be about. I want no one to ever question my
right to this lady again."
"Ewan," Lochlan growled. "You'll pass out before it's through."
"Then toss some water on my face, prop me up and make sure I say 'I do' when I need to."
Nora squeezed his hand as the priest began the ceremony.
Ewan listened to the priest while he stared in grateful relief at the woman before him.
He'd been terrified that they wouldn't make it in time. His body throbbed and burned in protest, but he
didn't care.
Nora was his.
There was no way he would ever let her leave him again.
No way he would ever allow anyone else to come between them.
Luckily, he made it through the ceremony and Mass, but Nora refused to partake of the feast that
awaited them.
Instead she forced him up to her room and into her bed.
Ewan sighed as he lay on the softness of her feather tick mattress and she fluttered about the room.
The walls of her room were painted soft pastels that were soothing and cheerful. Just like the lady
Someone knocked on the door.
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Ewan recognized Catarina's voice.
Nora went to answer it while he closed his eyes and inhaled the pillows underneath his head. Pillows that
smelled of flowers and woman.
Nora's scent.
It burned through his body, making him instantly hard for his wife.
His wife&
Even now he couldn't believe it. How had he been so lucky as to have her stumble into his life?
She rejoined him on the bed.
"What did Cat want?" he asked.
She bit her lip, then held up the dress she'd worn the night at the inn. "She thought you might want me to
dance for you tonight."
Ewan forced himself up on his elbows as he raked a hot, lustful stare over her body. "Aye, my love. I
want you to dance for me tonight. But I'd rather you do itnaked ."
Nora squeaked at his suggestion. "Why, Ewan MacAllister, you are an evil one, aren't you?"
"To the bottom of my rotten and depraved soul, Nora. Now come here, wife, and let me make sure we
consummate our union."
She lifted the hem of her gown and stepped up into the bed. Leaning over him, she straddled his swollen
"Hmm," she said as she rubbed herself against his erection. "What have we here?"
Ewan cupped her face in his hands and pulled her to his lips for a scorching kiss.
He pulled back a moment later to answer her question. "What we have here, my lady, is a bear who
wants to be tamed. Know you someone with a stout enough heart to lead him home and suffer his dismal
She kissed him lightly on the lips. "Aye, my lord, I do. But having been brought home, is it possible for
the bear to stay happily away from his cave?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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