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Maybe she was suffering worse than he thought, because she was uttering complete nonsense. But her
body was settling down, and she was only shivering lightly now; his had stopped completely.
 Hope Sinclair, she said with a little more strength.  Your wife. She pummeled at his chest,
trying to move away from him.  How could you, Grady? How could you kiss me and act like you
cared about me when you have a wife tucked away somewhere? Was all of this just some kind of sick
game for you? I was in love with you, you bastard! Emily stopped fighting and burst into tears, her
body starting to rock with heartbreaking sobs.
 Stop. Emily. Stop crying. Christ! He couldn t stand to see her this way. It was ripping his
heart from his chest.  I don t have a wife. Hope is my sister. Did she call while I was gone?
 Yes. She said she was your wife, she sniffed, the sobs halting.  Why would she say that if
she wasn t?
Grady snapped, the sight of Emily in tears unraveling him. He rolled Emily beneath him,
trapping her so she couldn t go anywhere.  Because she knows Jared sends women who I don t want
to hook up with me. She s helped me out before by claiming to be my wife to get rid of a few of them
who didn t really want to take no for an answer. He loved his sister and he appreciated that she
wanted to protect him from an unpleasant scene, but he wanted to wring her neck for not checking
with him first.
 So you aren t . . . married? Emily glanced at him for the first time, her expression vulnerable
and shaken.
 She s my sister and I love her like a sibling, but I think being married to her is illegal just
about everywhere in the world, he growled fiercely.  I m fucking obsessed with you, or haven t you
figured that out yet? I think about you every damn moment that I m awake, and then I dream about you
when I sleep. There is nobody else. And there never will be. I think I knew it the moment I saw you
sitting in the snow on my doorstep. You re mine, angel. I need you more than I need anything else on
this earth. Please don t leave me. Ever. His voice was vibrating with emotion, his eyes burning with
a fire banked for far too long. Grady didn t care anymore if Emily owned his emotional well-being.
He d already given it over to her, and she could do whatever she wanted with it. He was hers. And
she belonged with him.  Nobody will ever love you as much as I do, or take care of you as well as I
will. Stay with me, Emily. I need you.
Grady could feel his heart skip a beat as he waited for her answer.
Say yes. Say yes and I ll never want another Christmas gift as long as I live.
Her eyes were bright with tears as she nodded and murmured,  I love you, Grady Sinclair.
Grady took that answer as a yes because he wanted to, and it was the sweetest affirmation
he d ever heard. Right now, it was the only thing he needed to hear. He lowered his head and kissed
Emily opened to him the moment his lips met hers, needing him to forgive her for doubting, for
accusing him when he was innocent. She put her apology in her kiss, giving herself up totally to
Grady. He d kept her off balance from the moment they d met, her usual rational thinking completely
out the window. It wasn t possible to intelligently analyze the way she felt about Grady. It was as
though their souls were entwined, and she was now whole since she d met him, Grady filling a gaping
crack in her soul that had always been empty.
Her once-chilled body burst into flames as Grady kissed her like a man possessed, his tongue
entwining with hers, retreating, and then entering again with more force, demanding everything from
Yes. Yes. Yes.
His big body shuddered above her as she moaned into his embrace, her hands trying to touch
him everywhere at once. Muscles rippled under her fingertips as she caressed down his back and
grasped his rock-hard ass, trying desperately to urge him closer to her throbbing pussy. Pulling her
mouth from his, she begged desperately,  Please, Grady. I need you.
 Not enough, Grady replied harshly.  But you will.
Pinning both hands over her head, he ran his tongue along the sensitive skin at the side of her
neck and nipped her earlobe before adding,  It took me thirty-one years to get a Christmas miracle,
and you re worth it. So now I want to savor it, he told her in a graveled voice.
Helplessly, she ground her hips up, her pussy flooding as she felt his hard cock so close, but
not close enough.  Savor later. Fuck now, she moaned, desperate to have Grady inside her.
 I want to do everything with you all at once. I ve dreamed about this, sweetheart. I ve
dreamed about having you naked in my bed for so long, I m about to lose my mind. He continued
licking his way down her body, releasing her wrists and moving down to her breasts.
Emily gasped when he laved over one of her nipples, the sensitive peak responding to the feel
of his wicked tongue. He pinched just hard enough to cause her body to jolt, the streak of electricity
going straight to her pussy. And then he stroked her nipple with his tongue, sending a flood of warmth
through her belly and into her core.  Fuck me, Grady. Please. If she didn t get him inside her, she
was going to go completely mad. His body was sending off waves of heat, and they were about to
consume her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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