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Again, this Script is powerful. Read Karol s wonderful
book for a detailed explanation of it. Meanwhile, use the
Script whenever you feel the need to get clear.
It works--almost like magic!
And once you are clear, you can truly have anything
you can imagine!
Isn t this a fun, exciting, even exhilerating way to live?
 We learn the lessons in life we are to learn two ways:
either through obedience to natural laws or through
suffering the consequences of not observing those
Spiritual Marketing
laws...None of us consciously create the suffering we
-- Karol Truman, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die..., 1998
Joe Vitale
Step Four:
Feel how exciting it would be to have, do,
or be what you want.
Marketing specialists know that people don t act for
logical reasons, but for emotional ones. Emotion has
power. Emotion also has the power to create what you
want. Find within yourself what it will feel like to have, be,
or do the thing you want and you will begin to manifest the
thing you want. The energy in the emotion will work to pull
you toward the thing you want while also pulling the thing
you want toward you.
I know, I know. I m getting philosophical again. But
I m writing about spiritual concepts, which few people can
relate to. It s easy to see why. We are taught from the crib
to pay attention to reality, to obey the laws of man, to
worship books and leaders. While that can help our society
run smoother (actually, it hasn t worked, but that s another
book), it limits you. Belief in leaders, rules, and outside
authorities limits you from creating the life you want. I
once told a friend that a belief in a guru can limit her own
power to manifest what she wanted. When you give your
Spiritual Marketing
power away to anyone, you are spending your own energy
in their direction.
One of the most powerful energies you can ever
experience is gratitude. Feel gratefulness for anything and
you shift the way you feel. Feel thankful for your life, your
lungs, your home, this book; it doesn t matter. Once you
feel grateful, you are in an energy that can create miracles.
Jonathan taught me this. I remember going to see him
when I was broke and depressed. One of the first things he
did was guide me into realizing that I had plenty in my life.
When you compare your own life to that of people living in
third world countries, you quickly see that you are living
like a King or Queen. You probably have food, water, and
shelter, as well as a refrigerator, a television, a radio, and
probably a computer. Millions of people don t. Realize you
are blessed with enormous abundance right now, feel
grateful for it, and you will attract even more abundance.
My friend Jonathan Morningstar once cured himself of
a terrible illness with a simple one line statement of
Joe Vitale
Jonathan got double pneumonia. Nothing seemed to
help him. Then he felt inspired to write down one simple
but potent sentence that he repeated every hour, recorded
on audiotape and played back to himself, and wrote on
signs which he hung around his home. He made this one
liner part of his very being.
And within twenty-four hours, Jonathan was healed.
What was the one line he used?
 Thank you God for all the blessings I have and for all
the blessings I am receiving.
I m not a scientist so I won t pretend to explain how
this works. Somehow your energy sends off signals that
attract more of what you are sending off. Like the child
who unconsciously says he s a victim, you send off signals
that attract what you are getting. Change your signals and
you will change your results. Change your energy and you
will change what you experience.  The energy you give out
is the results you get.
Again, gratitude can shift everything. Just start feeling
sincerely grateful for what you have. Look at your hands,
or this book, or your pet, anything you feel love and
gratitude for. Dwell on that feeling.
Spiritual Marketing
That s the energy that can help you manifest whatever
you want.
Another energy you want to experience is the energy
that comes from imagining what it will feel like to have, be,
or do the thing you want. This can be fun.
Imagine how good it will be to have what you want, to
be what you are wanting, to do what you dream. Feel the
electrifying feelings that come with the images. These
feelings can create the life you want. They can manifest it
for you. Somehow those feelings lead you, guide you,
direct you to do the things that will make the events.
The great German thinker Goethe may have said it best
when he wrote the following inspiring message:
Until one is committed,
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative
there is one elementary truth,
Joe Vitale
the ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and endless plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves, too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one s favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man
could have dreamed would come his way.
Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it.
I was in Seattle once to see friends. One night I turned
on the television and caught the ending of a fascinating
Larry King interview with the famous actor and singer,
Andy Griffith. Andy was talking about one of his first
Spiritual Marketing
motion pictures. He said something unknowingly
metaphysical when he talked about a director who told him:
 The camera is just a machine. It picks up what you
give it. All you have to do is think something, and feel it,
and the camera will record it.
They then cut to a scene from the movie Griffith was
referring to, when he was to look at a woman with a heart
full of lust. You could tell from the actor s eyes that he was
projecting thoughts that were pretty hot. Larry King later
said,  It was one of the most X-rated looks in movie
The universe is like the movie camera. Think
something and feel something and the universe will pick it
up and project it. The advice Andy Griffith was given as a
young actor is advice I want to give to us: When you know
what you want, all you really have to do is think it and feel
it. That s it. The universe---the spirit of all that exists---will
pick up your signal and project it.
This is powerful stuff. When Jonathan and I practiced
this, our energy levels shot skyward. We had so much
energy surging through us that the very electrical outlets in
Joe Vitale
our homes burst into flames. This is the truth! When I lived
in the dump I could barely afford to pay rent for, the
electrical system there fried. It cost the landlord over
$7,000 to repair it.
When Jonathan was first experimenting with energy,
the fuse box in his garage caught on fire. While this isn t
why they call me  Mr. Fire! , it does demonstrate that
when you make changes internally, you ll see changes
externally. Jonathan had to have a new fuse box put in. My
landlord replaced the entire electrical system in the house.
But as my energy increased, I also had to move into a
bigger home with better wiring.
Again, what you embrace in your inner world creates
what you experience in your outer reality.
Jonathan and I were having lunch at a favorite Chinese
restaurant one day when I noticed there was hardly anyone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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