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be possible to accommodate users who do not adhere to the link structure by
introducing strong and weak transitions rather than a binary transition matrix,
where strong transitions are assigned high likelihood and represent actual links
on a website and weak transitions join all unlinked pages and are assigned low
likelihood. In this way the HMM will allow transitions outside of the site graph
provided that the classifier issues a very confident prediction.
Defense development and evaluation also require further exploration. At-
tack evaluation conditions and defense development are somewhat related since
conditions which favor attack performance will simultaneously decrease defense
effectiveness. Defense evaluation under conditions which favor attack creates the
appearance that defenses must be complex and expensive, effectively discourag-
ing defense deployment. To increase likelihood of deployment, future work must
investigate necessary defense measures under increasingly realistic conditions
since realistic conditions may substantially contribute to effective defense.
This work has involved substantial implementation, data collection and com-
putation. To facilitate future comparative work, our data collection infrastruc-
ture, traffic samples, attack and defense implementations and results are avail-
able upon request.
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