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part thereof maketh a fire, and the women mingle oyl [oil], that they might make a cake
for the Queen of heaven, neither was the worship of Doulia, to this Queen and other
Celestiall souls prohibited them, but of Latria only, which they that gave, are reproved of
the Lord; but the name of these souls or Gods, we have declared; but to what Regions,
People, and Cities they were ascribed as proper and tutelar gods; Origen, Tertullian,
Apuleius, Diodorus, and very many other historians, partly relate to us: Therefore all
people worshipped their gods with their proper ceremonies; The Beotians, Amphiarus;
The Africans, Mopsus; the Egyptians, Osiris and Isis; the Ethiopians, who inhabite Mero,
Jupiter and Bacchus; The Arabians; Bacchus and Venus; the Scythians, Minerva; the
Naucratians, Serapis; the Syrians, Atargates; the Arabians, Diaphares; the Africans,
Celestus; the Nornians, Tibelenus: In Italy also by the free Cities consecration,
Delventius, was the God of the Crustumensians, Viridianus of the Narvensians, Aucharia
of the Æsculans, Narsia of the Volsians, Valentia of the Otriculans, Nortia of the
Sutrinians, Curis of the Phaliscians; these especially were famous. The Latians did adore
with the highest worship, Mars; the Egyptians, Isis; the Moors, Iuba; the Macedonians,
Cabrius; the Carthaginians, Uranus; the Latines, Faunus; the Romans, Quirinus; the
Sabines, Sangus; the Athenians, Minerva; Samos, Juno; Paphos, Venus; Lemnos, Vulcan;
Naxos, Bacchus; Delphos, Apollo; and as Ovid singeth in his Fasti,
Athens do Pallas; Crete, Dian' implore.
The island Lemnos Vulcan doth adore.
The Spartans, Juno ----
The Carthaginians and Leucadians did worship Saturn; Crete, Pyreus, Homole, Ida, Elis
and Lybia [Libia], Jupiter, where was his Oracle: Epirus, Latium, Gnidus, Lycia, Pisa,
Macedonia, Mars; The Thermodonians, Scythians, and Thracia, the Sun; the Scythians
did worship only one God, sacrificing an horse to him; the same also the Heliopolitans,
and Assyrians did worship; and under the name of Apollo, the Rhodians, Hyperboreans
and Milesians; and the mountains Parnassus, Phaselus, Cynthus, Soracte, were holy to
him, and the Islands Delos, Claros, Tenedos and Mallois, a place in the Isle Lesbos, and
the Grynean Grove or Town, besides the Cities, Patara, Chrysa, Tarapnas, Cyrrha,
Delphos, Arrephina, Entrosi, Tegyra; Also Thebes, the Island Naxos, Nise a City of
Arabia, Callichoros a river of Paphlagonia, were consecrated to him under the name of
Bacchus and Dionysus; also Parnassus, and Cytheros mountains of Boetia, in which
every second yeer [year] by course, the feasts Bacchanalia were kept; also the
Thamaritans a people neighbors to the Hircanians did worship Bacchus with their own
Ceremonies. The Assyrians first of all introduced the worship of Venus; then the
Paphians in Cyprus, and Phenicians [Phoenicians], and Cythereans, whom (as Ageus
reports) the Athenians followed: amongst the Lacedomonians, Venus Armatha was
worshipped; at Delphos, Venus Epitybia; she was also adored of the Coans; and in
Amathus an island of the Aegean Sea, and in Memphi [Memphis] a City of Egypt, and in
Gnido and Sicilia, and the Idalian Grove, and the City Hypepa, and Erice a mountain of
Sicilia, and in Calidonia, Cyrene and Samos; and no Deity of the old Gods (Aristotle
being witness) is reported to have been worshipped with greater ceremonies, and in more
places; the French did especially worship Mercury, calling him Teutates; so also the
Arcadians, Hormopolites, Egyptians and Memphites. The Scythians about mount Taurus,
did worship the Moon under the name of Diana; and in Ephesus, she had a most stately
Temple; and in Mycena after the death of Thoantes, King of Taurica, her Image being
stollen away by Iphigenia and Orestes, she was worshipped nigh Aricia. The Rite of
Ceremonies being changed, she was worshipped likewise by the Magnesians, a people of
Thessalia, and in Pisa, a City of Achaia, and in Tybur, and the Aventinum a Roman hill,
and in Perga a City of Pamphila, and in Agras in the Kingdom of Attica; and the
Catenian people are reported to have worshipped the Moon under the Masculine sexe;
there were also other places consecreted to other Deities, as to Pallas, who is called
Minerva, were consecrated Athens, the mountains Pyreus, Aracynthus, the River
Tritones, and Alcomeneum a city of Boetia, and Neo one of the Islands of the Cyclades;
The holy places of Ceres are, Eleusis, Attica, Enna, and Catana, Cities of Sicilia, and
Mount Aetna; The chief worship to Vulcan was in the Island of Lemnos, and in Imbres,
an Island of Thracia and Therasia, an Island consecrated to Vulcan, and also Sicilia.
Vesta was the goddess of the Trojans, whom runaway Aeneas carryed into Italy, and to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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