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around his eyes since I d first met him. He slid his right hand up to lightly wrap around one of my ankles.  But I can take more
than that little snack.
 For some reason, I get the impression you re offering more than just a meal, I hedged, my eyes pointedly slipping down to look
at the long fingers wrapped around my ankle. This hadn t been a part of my plan when I sank my teeth into his neck.
 And you re opposed to the offer? he inquired, making no effort to keep the sarcasm from his voice. Pushing to his knees,
Nicolai sat up and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing acres of tanned skin and muscles pulsing with warmth and life. I think he
dropped the shirt over the side of the bed, but I honestly couldn t drag my eyes from his chest or his arms.
I d been with my share of handsome men during my extended lifetime; human, lycan, and nightwalker. I d been with enough to
think that my head couldn t be turned by a nice body or a handsome face. But Nicolai was putting my resolve to the test. He
didn t have the same, almost frightening beauty that Valerio possessed. Nicolai had his flaws. There was a long white scar on his
chest, stretching above his heart. His stomach seemed almost too thin for his frame, making me wonder if his meals recently had
been too sparse or infrequent. But it was this perfect combination of frailty and strength that was intoxicating.
With considerable effort I closed my eyes, but the image of his chest seemed to have already been burned into the insides of my
eyelids.  I don t want your body in exchange for your life. I had to force the words from my mouth because something in me
simply ached to run my tongue over his chest.
His laugh caused my eyes to open my eyes and focus on his handsome face again. Slowly, he reached down and took both of my
ankles in his hands, making me feel very small. With a quick jerk I slid down the bed toward him so I was laying flat on my back
with my knees brushing against his hips. Planting his hands on either side of my head, he leaned down until his lips were inches
from mine.
 The blood was in gratitude for my life, he whispered, his lips brushing against mine with each word. He moved his head, running
his lips along my jaw as he spoke.  The sex is as much for me as it is for you. We ve both had enough death and violence during
the past few days to last a lifetime. And it s not over, is it?
His question gave me pause, waking me up from the spell his husky voice was weaving. I met his eyes and found those large
copper-brown orbs asking me the same question I had seen in the eyes of Tristan, Sadira, James, Alexandra, and, for even a
fleeting moment, Danaus. Were we going to survive? Was I going to protect them? Was there a hope to cling to? And for some
reason, they all looked to me to be their savior. A pariah among my own kind. The Coven s anathema.
Threading the fingers of my left hand through the golden wave of hair that cascaded down to frame his face, I pulled him closer so
that my lips brushed against his.  It doesn t matter. There is only now, I whispered. Nicolai smiled against my lips as he leaned in
to kiss me.
My eyes fell shut and there was only the feeling of his lips and his warmth wrapping around me like a wonderful cocoon,
smothering all thoughts of the rest of the world. My tongue easily slid between his parted lips, and the taste of him reminded me of
honey and fresh bread, memories of a home I was forced to leave years too early. My fingers left his hair to slide down along his
massive shoulders, taking in skin that seemed impossibly soft. I turned my head and trailed kisses along his neck as I ran my hands
down his back, lightly scratching him with my nails as I dragged my hands back up to his shoulders.
 Still looking for a bite? he chuckled, nuzzling my neck before his lips finally settled on my earlobe. A sigh escaped me as the tip
of his tongue ran along the edge of the sensitive piece of flesh. Tension that had hummed throughout my body for so many endless
nights was beginning to unravel from each one of my muscles.
 Hmmmm& There are far more interesting places for me to snack, I teased. Planting my heels in the bed and wrapping my arms
around his waist, I rolled us over so he was lying on his back and I was straddling his hips.
Surprise lit his eyes, but he quickly recovered. He didn t seem willing to relinquish control that easily. His hand shot out to snake
around the back of my neck, pulling me back down so his mouth could reclaim mine in a long, deep kiss. His tongue slid along
one of my fangs until finally pricking it. There was no fighting the moan that swelled up in my throat at the taste of his blood.
Stretching out my legs on either side of him, I pressed the length of my body into his as I sucked blood from his tongue until the
tiny wound finally healed on its own.
As a shiver ran through me, I broke off the kiss and slid my mouth down along his jaw near his ear.  You ve done this before, I
 Been with a vampire? he asked, running his hands down my back to cup my rear end. As he pressed my body closer to his, he
arched his hips, grinding his hardened body into mine.  Oh, yeah. Surprised?
 No, I laughed, pushing up with my hands braced each side of his head so I could look down at him. But the laughter died when [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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