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252; death and burial of, 252. THU'RI-SIND. King of Gepidæ, 86: granddaughter of, 87. TIN-TA'GEL. In
Cornwall, Gorlois lord of, 209; Uther's secret visit to, 209; Mark at, 235; Tristan at, 236; Iseult to go to, 240.
TI-TA'NI-A. Queen of the fairies, 175; carries off Huonet, 176; restored to Oberon's favor, 179. TIT'U-REL.
And the Holy Grail, 182-203; Von Eschenbach's poem of, 182; birth of, 185; vision of, 185; sees Holy Grail,
186; builds temple, 186; guardian of Holy Grail, 187; children of, 188; intercedes for Amfortas, 189; crowns
Parzival, 200; disappearance of, 200. TI-TU'RI-SONE. Pilgrimage of, 185. TI'TUS. Disease of, 183;
miraculous cure of, 184. TI-ZO'NA. Sword of Cid, won from Moors, 285, 294; given to Infante of Carrion,
296; recovered by Cid, 297; dead Cid draws, 300; inscription on, 300. TO-LE'DO. School of magic at, 153;
Don Alfonso at, 290; Cid at, 291; Don Alfonso a prisoner at, 292; Yahia ruler of, 294; Cortes at, 297. TO'RO.
City given to Doña Elvira, 288; taken by Don Sancho, 290. TOUR'MONT. Huon at, 169. TOURS. Origin of
name, 308. TRAN-SYL-VA'NI-A. Herrat princess of, 126. TREV'RE-ZENT. Son of Frimoutel, 188;
Parzival visits, 199. TRI-ENT'. Dwelling place of dragons, 98. TRIS'TAN. Ogier and, 138; legend of, 204;
story of, 234-245. TRIS'TREM. See Tristan. TRO'I-LUS. And Cressida, story of, 305. TRON'JE. Hagen of,
124. TROY. Sigeminne queen of, 105; downfall of, 303. TU'NIS. Huon, Amanda, Fatima, and Sherasmin in,
177; Galafre king of, 180. TU-ROL'DUS. Probable author of "Chanson de Roland," 130. TU-RO'NUS.
Nephew of Brutus, 308. TUR'PIN. Latin chronicle attributed to, 129, 140; adviser of Charlemagne, 131, 132,
147, 156. TYRE. See Suders. TY-RO'LE-AN, 113, 118.
UL'FIN. Councilor of Uther, 209. U-LYS'SES. In mediaeval literature, 303. UOTE (w[=o]'te). See Ute II.
UP'LANDS. Njorfe king of, 248. UR-RA'CA, DOÑA. Receives Zamora, 288; loses Zamora, 289; pleads for
Alfonso, 290; besieged by Don Sancho, 290; reviles Cid, 291; warns Alfonso of Sancho's death, 292. U'TA.
See Ute II. U'TE. I. Queen of Burgundy, 53; interprets Krieinhild's dream, 54; at tournament, 57; Pilgrim,
brother of, 73; disapproves of journey to Hungary, 74. U'TE. II. Marries Hildebrand, 112; rejoined by
Hildebrand, 127. U'THER. Son of Constans, 205; fights with Vortigern and Hengist, 208; Merlin builds
palace for, 208; changed into form of Gorlois, 209; marries Yguerne, 210; death of, 210; father of Arthur, 214,
215; a descendant of Brutus, 309.
VAL-DUER'NA. Given to Rodrigo, 285. VALE OF THORNS. See Roncesvalles. VA-LEN'CI-A. Taken by
Moors, 294, 300; recovered by Cid, 294; Cid master of, 295; Moors besiege, 296, 298; Cid's return to, 296,
296; Christians cannot hold, 299; evacuation of, 300. VAL-HAL'LA. Ragnar summoned to, 278.
VAL'KYRS. Brunhild one of the, 274; Ragnar warned by, 278. VA-RAN'GI-AN GUARD. The, 281.
VEILLANTIF (v[=a]-[:a]n-t[=e]f). Roland kills, 145. VEN'ICE. Lion of, 281. VER'GEN. Place on Danube,
73. VE-RO'NA. Same as Bern, 77, 110; Theodoric of, 110; tomb of Theodoric near, 128. VE-RON'I-CA,
ST. Story of, 183. VES-PA'SI-AN. Sends commission to Jerusalem, 183; at Jerusalem, 184; at Rome, 185.
VI-A'NE. Renaud meets Aude at siege of, 149. VI-EN'NA. Library at, 22; wedding at, 73. VIK. Frithiof
enters the, 264. VI'KING. Grandson of Haloge, 247; early adventures and marriage of, 247; second marriage
of, 248; adventures of sons of, 248; Aegir gives Ellida to, 250. VIR'GIL. In "Rome la Grant," 307.
VIR'GIN-AL. Dietrich's adventure with, 113, 114; Dietrich forsaken by, 123. VIV'I-AN. And Merlin,
211-213; Lancelot stolen by, 219. VOL'KER. Follower of Gunther, receives gifts, 77; ally of Hagen, 78; kills
Hun, 80; might of, 81. VOL'SUNG. The race, 110. VOL'SUNG-A SA'GA, 53, 269. VÖ'LUND. The smith,
115, 250; ring of, 253, 257. VOR'TI-GERN. Made king and builds fortress, 205; messengers of, 206; death
of, 208; advised by Merlin, 210. VOS'GES. See Wasgenstein. VUL-CA'NUS, MOUNT. Malagigi's adventure
at, 153.
WACE. Writer of metrical tale of Brutus, 307. WA-CHIL'DE. And Wittich,115, 126. WACK'ER-LOS.
Complaint of, 36, 38. WAG'NER. Used mediaeval legends, 182, 204, 234. WAL'DE-MAR. King of Reussen,
Dietrich wars against, 125. WA-LEIS'. Battle at, 27. WALES. Arthur's name in, 214. WAL'GUND OF
THES-SA-LO-NI'CA. Hugdietrich's visit to, 100; finds grandson with wolf, 102. WAL'THER VON
WAS'GEN-STEIN. Champion of Ermenrich, 118; at Gerimsburg, 122; a hostage in Hungary, 124; elopes
with Hildegunde, 124; marries Hildegunde, 125. WAS'GEN-STEIN. Walther and Hildegunde flee to, 124.
WAT. Follower of Hettel, 25; athletic skill of, 26; wounds Hagen, 27; fosters Ortwine, 27; to be Gudrun's
deliverer, 31; challenges Normans, 32; kills Gerlinda, 33. WAX'MUTH. Son of Hildburg, 103; and
Hugdietrich, 103. WAY'LAND. See Wieland. WEAL'THEOW. Wife of Hrothgar, 15. WE'BER. "Oberon" of,
163. WELSH. Poetry, 204; version of Tristan, 234. WE'NER, LAKE. Battle of, 249. WER'BEL. Hungarian
minstrel, 74; Hagen strikes off hand of, 80. WE'SER. See Wisara. WES'TER-LANDS. Queen of, 232.
WEST-PHA'LI-A. Dortmund in, 162. WHIT'A-BY. Ragnar at, 271; second battle at, 276. WIE'LAND. I.
The smith, weapons of, 115, 154. II. "Oberon" of, 163. WIF'LIS-BURG. Hastings at, 276. WIG'LAF.
Avenges Hardred, 19; accompanies Beowulf, 19; saves Beowulf's life, 20. WIL-DE'BER. Joins Dietrich, 117;
in Hungary, 121; escape of, 122. WIL-KI'NA LAND. Dietrich invades, 121. WIN'CHES-TER, See Camelot.
WI-SA'RA. Falster wood on banks of, 117. WIT'IG. See Wittich. WIT'TICH. Son of Wieland, starts for Bern,
115; conquers Dietrich, 116; goes to Rose Garden, 118; made prisoner, 121; released, 122; pursued by
Dietrich and saved by Wachilde, 126. WOLF-DIE'TRICH. Rescue of, 102; at Meran, 103; besieges
Constantinople, 103, 108; adventures with Rauch-Else, 104; marries Sigeminne, 105; kills Drusian, 106;
adventure with Belligan, 106; kills dragon and marries Liebgart, 108; descendants of, 109. WOLF'HART.
Nephew of Hildebrand, 112; in Rose Garden, 118, 120. WOL'FRAM VON ESCH'EN-BACH, 86, 182, 204.
WORMS. Capital of Burgundy, 53; Siegfried at, 55, 57, 58; Kriemhild at, 64; Siegfried carried to, 68;
mourning at, 69; Rüdiger at, 71, 82; minstrels at, 74; chaplain returns to, 75; tidings carried to, 85; Rose
Garden at, 120; Gunther and Hagen do not return to, 124. WÜL'PEN-SAND. Battle of, 29.
XAN'TEN. Tournament at, 54; Siegfried and Kriemhild at, 64. XI-ME'NA, DOÑA. Seeks to avenge her
father, 284; marries Cid, 285; at Zamora, 287; Cid parts from, 293; executes last wishes of Cid, 299.
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