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reached out and stroked his massive chest. He towered over her and
gently pulled her into an embrace, nuzzling her head and shoulders,
imbibing her fragrance and marking her with his.
Mate, instinct urged. He turned her around and pressed his big
body against hers. Mate now. She fumbled with the ties of her heavy
cloak then pushed it off her shoulders. Mate. It slipped off her naked
body and pooled on the ground between them. Mate and bite. She
dropped to her forearms and knees, braced herself by widening her
stance, and raised her ass high. Mine.
He desperately wanted to immediately plunge his cock into her,
claim her in the most primal way. He held back because this was his
little mate, the one who brought meaning to his long life. He must
please her and make her scream with ecstasy so that she would long
202 Dawn Forrest
for each full moon and crave the beast. With that thought in mind, he
knelt down behind her and gently poked his snout between her thighs.
She hissed at the first contact of his wet nose against her clit,
moaned as he snuffled against her warm flesh, and cried out in
undisguised pleasure when his long, rough tongue licked along her
already-sopping slit. She surrounded him with the sound of her
passion in his ears, the vision of her seraphic beauty in his eyes, the
smell of her desire on his nose, and the taste of her sex in his mouth.
Mine, all mine.
She began to pant before she convulsed and climaxed around his
supple tongue.
 Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, she chanted.  Pleeeease.
He understood her need. As a beast he had little patience and
would never deny her this. He reared up and spread his legs wide to
get low enough to position his turgid cockhead between her engorged,
glistening labia. Growling softly, he gripped her sturdy hips and
pulled her onto him as he thrust forward and sank into heaven.
He tried to go slowly, but toward the end he lost himself in their
combined euphoria. Action, reaction, he wasn t sure where he ended
and she began. Wild and wanton, she moaned and cried out under
him, urging him on. Her knees left the ground as he dragged her up
onto his shaft to penetrate deeper with each thrust. He ploughed her
hard to almost-agonizing completion.
* * * *
Nothing she d been told, nothing she had ever done, could have
prepared her for this night of claiming, of forming the permanent
mating bond that could only be broken by death. Euphoria so intense
that it ripped her soul from her body and allowed her to join
completely with her werewolf at the moment of his bite and their
climax could never be adequately described. There were just not
words to convey either the significance or the sheer unadulterated joy
Alphas Prize 203
of the act of true-mating. She d thought that what she d experienced
before with Mike was the pinnacle of pleasure, but this was more than
a meeting of body and soul, this was a permanent joining, a melding
of their hearts and minds that neither would ever put asunder.
When they both came, his cock had thickened and stretched her
crammed channel to its limit, locking them together in nearly painful
rapture. They had stayed tied for nearly twenty minutes, during which
time Mike petted and stroked her. He licked clean the small wound on
her shoulder and covered her with his furry body to keep her warm.
The sound of howls in the distance sent a shiver down her spine.
Angela hoped that her new friend was okay.
When they separated, he loped off to run and hunt while she
crawled under the warm furs in the teepee. He returned twice more in
the night. Fucked to exhaustion, she fell asleep, a most complete and
happy woman, and a more-than-satisfied mate.
* * * *
Joanna paced in the clearing. The guards had gone, the moon was
about to rise, and she could feel its tugging attraction to her beast. She
quickly stripped and threw her clothes into the teepee. God, it was a
cold night, but at least it was dry. This was only her second change,
and she wasn t looking forward to the accompanying pain.
Apparently it got easier and faster with time, and that was something
to look forward to. She gasped as the first cramp hit and her legs
buckled. She tried to coach herself through it. Relax, let it flow. It had
been much easier the first time with her mom there to help. She
clamped her jaws shut to try to stop from crying out, but the searing
agony could not be contained, and she screamed through her clenched
In the far distance she heard a cacophony of barks and brays.
Pack. Sweat broke across her skin with the effort of the change, but it
came faster now in response to two distinct howls that cut through the
204 Dawn Forrest
crisp night air from another closer location. They were calling to her.
When the change was done she lay panting on the ground for a few
minutes. The moonlight was now a balm to her body, cool and
soothing on her soft pelt.
They were coming for her, and she could sense them drawing
near. Galvanized, she sprang to her paw-like feet, wobbling at first, as
she orientated herself within this new, bigger body. Agitated, she
paced in front of the teepee and then in a moment of reckless
abandonment she whipped her head back and howled like a hurricane.
Run, she must run, nature insisted. Why? Why run from my mates? At
that moment two huge, very, very aroused, snow-white male
werewolves came crashing into the clearing. Shiiit was her last
rational thought as she yelped, turned tail, and fled.
She ran faster than she d ever run before, dodging through the
thick forest, leaping over a fallen tree trunk and a small creek, not
daring to look back. She could hear their pursuit and a blend of fear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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