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a life was but a flower, In the spring time, &c.
IV. And therefore take the present time, With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino, For love is crowned with the
prime, In the spring time, &c.
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As You Like It
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, young gentlemen, though there was no great matter in the ditty, yet the note was very
FIRST PAGE. You are deceived, sir; we kept time, we lost not our time.
TOUCHSTONE. By my troth, yes; I count it but time lost to hear such a foolish song. God be with you; and
God mend your voices! Come, Audrey.
SCENE IV. Another part of the Forest.
DUKE SENIOR. Dost thou believe, Orlando, that the boy Can do all this that he hath promised?
ORLANDO. I sometimes do believe and sometimes do not: As those that fear they hope, and know they fear.
ROSALIND. Patience once more, whiles our compact is urg'd:--
[To the Duke.]
You say, if I bring in your Rosalind, You will bestow her on Orlando here?
DUKE SENIOR. That would I, had I kingdoms to give with her.
ROSALIND. [To Orlando.] And you say you will have her when I bring her?
ORLANDO. That would I, were I of all kingdoms king.
ROSALIND. [To Phebe.] You say you'll marry me, if I be willing?
PHEBE. That will I, should I die the hour after.
ROSALIND. But if you do refuse to marry me, You'll give yourself to this most faithful shepherd?
PHEBE. So is the bargain.
ROSALIND. [To Silvius.] You say that you'll have Phebe, if she will?
SILVIUS. Though to have her and death were both one thing.
ROSALIND. I have promis'd to make all this matter even. Keep you your word, O duke, to give your
daughter;-- You yours, Orlando, to receive his daughter;-- Keep your word, Phebe, that you'll marry me; Or
else, refusing me, to wed this shepherd:-- Keep your word, Silvius, that you'll marry her If she refuse
me:--and from hence I go, To make these doubts all even.
[Exeunt ROSALIND and CELIA.]
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As You Like It
DUKE SENIOR. I do remember in this shepherd-boy Some lively touches of my daughter's favour.
ORLANDO. My lord, the first time that I ever saw him Methought he was a brother to your daughter: But, my
good lord, this boy is forest-born, And hath been tutor'd in the rudiments Of many desperate studies by his
uncle, Whom he reports to be a great magician, Obscured in the circle of this forest.
JAQUES. There is, sure, another flood toward, and these couples are coming to the ark. Here comes a pair of
very strange beasts which in all tongues are called fools.
TOUCHSTONE. Salutation and greeting to you all!
JAQUES. Good my lord, bid him welcome. This is the motley-minded gentleman that I have so often met in
the forest: he hath been a courtier, he swears.
TOUCHSTONE. If any man doubt that, let him put me to my purgation. I have trod a measure; I have
flattered a lady; I have been politic with my friend, smooth with mine enemy; I have undone three tailors; I
have had four quarrels, and like to have fought one.
JAQUES. And how was that ta'en up?
TOUCHSTONE. Faith, we met, and found the quarrel was upon the seventh cause.
JAQUES. How seventh cause? Good my lord, like this fellow.
DUKE SENIOR. I like him very well.
TOUCHSTONE. God 'ild you, sir; I desire you of the like. I press in here, sir, amongst the rest of the country
copulatives, to swear and to forswear; according as marriage binds and blood breaks:--A poor virgin, sir, an
ill-favoured thing, sir, but mine own; a poor humour of mine, sir, to take that that no man else will; rich
honesty dwells like a miser, sir, in a poor-house; as your pearl in your foul oyster.
DUKE SENIOR. By my faith, he is very swift and sententious.
TOUCHSTONE. According to the fool's bolt, sir, and such dulcet diseases.
JAQUES. But, for the seventh cause; how did you find the quarrel on the seventh cause?
TOUCHSTONE. Upon a lie seven times removed;--bear your body more seeming, Audrey:--as thus, sir, I
did dislike the cut of a certain courtier's beard; he sent me word, if I said his beard was not cut well, he was in
the mind it was: this is called the Retort courteous. If I sent him word again it was not well cut, he would send
me word he cut it to please himself: this is called the Quip modest. If again, it was not well cut, he disabled
my judgment: this is called the Reply churlish. If again, it was not well cut, he would answer I spake not true:
this is called the Reproof valiant. If again, it was not well cut, he would say I lie: this is called the
Countercheck quarrelsome: and so, to the Lie circumstantial, and the Lie direct.
JAQUES. And how oft did you say his beard was not well cut?
TOUCHSTONE. I durst go no further than the Lie circumstantial, nor he durst not give me the Lie direct; and
so we measured swords and parted.
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As You Like It
JAQUES. Can you nominate in order now the degrees of the lie? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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