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for homeless children, he murmured.  I don t think I ve ever seen a homeless child around these
 Leo, they re in every city, in every country. People just don t look for them, but once you
do, you can see them every week. I...I actually met one this afternoon on the beach.
He appeared shocked.  You did?
 Well, he s not exactly homeless, but he s been living on the streets for a week. He ran away
from his orphanage.
 Tell me about him, he said, his voice curiously hoarse.
His concern was palpable and it touched a cord deep within Sam.  His name is Alekos, but
everyone calls him Alek. He s about sixteen years old and he left the orphanage a week ago. He just
left without having any place to go. He seems lonely and afraid, but he has courage and strength,
and I can see there s a part of him that will survive all this. He loves to draw and he has a strong
passion to learn.
 Why did you not invite him to come tonight for dinner?
She smiled at his compassion.  I did, but he refused. And I didn t want to press him because
I had already gained some trust from him.
 How did you do that?
Anastasia Maltezos 61
 I told him about my brothers and sisters and how similar he is to them and how they used
to think. I also spent a couple of hours helping him with his seascape painting. I told him I d meet
him tomorrow and I would bring lunch. My plan is to get him to come back here with me. She
stopped abruptly, worried and apologetic all at once. Her hand flew to her mouth.  Oh, I m sorry.
I didn t even ask you if it would be okay.
He was already brushing her worry away with his hand.  Of course it s okay.
Relief flowed through her veins, warming her.  Thank you, Leo. That s very kind of you.
She looked at him shyly.  I think you ll like him. He s very sweet.
 Anything I can do to help, Sam.
The warmth in her veins mounted as their gazes locked.  You ve already done enough, she
said, her face breaking into a smile.  Do you want to see what he looks like? After dinner tonight,
I sat in my room and drew him. I can go get the picture. I left it on my nightstand. It ll only take
me a few minutes.
 I ll come up with you. I was going to retire anyways, and your room is just down the hall
from mine.
Sam hugged the two books on royalty and Impressionists closer to her chest.  Okay, she
said quietly, hoping her face didn t betray her attack of nerves.
His eyes didn t miss a thing, and his face hardened.  Let s go.
She followed him up to her room and he politely opened her door. She placed her books on
the bed and handed him her picture of Alek.  Here.
Leo visibly stiffened as he regarded the picture in silence. Sam knew she had captured the
young boy s fear and vulnerability, pride and strength. Leo gave her an admiring glance.
 You re a remarkable artist, Sam, he said gruffly.
 Thank you. It was easy to draw him. Alek has a very expressive face.
 It s done, then, he said abruptly.  We ll have him here for dinner tomorrow night.
Dinner. Sam felt a tinge of remorse.  Leo, I forgot to thank you for bringing my dinner to
my room last night. It was very thoughtful of you.
 Was it only yesterday I met you? he murmured.
A warm pool of tension settled in her belly as his dark gaze bore down on hers. He was
standing so close to her, she could sense his male energy all around her. It was strong, solid, secure.
The colours, light, and energy around him intensified and she was dazed, her green-eyed gaze
This time his aura was all red and purple with blinding streaks of white and she took an
anxious step back as his passion hit her like a ton of bricks. It frightened her. Sam wasn t ready to
explore this new rush of emotion and she backed away from him.
 Why are you frightened of me? he asked, his tone laced with frustration.
62 Two in the Lion s Den
This man was too astute for his own good, she thought. She tried to compose herself.  I m&
I m not. She inched her way back, away from his energy that started to consume her. Overpower
her. Weaken her. How could she tell him she was frightened because for the first time she had no
way of knowing anything about her future? That she felt lost and out of control? That her cards
hadn t been there for her, to help guide her with her developing emotions for him?
A small part of her was afraid to look at her cards. Sam was afraid of what she might see
because she didn t want another disappointment, she realized.
Slowly, he withdrew.  It s late. I should let you get some sleep. Good night, Sam.
* * * *
Leo had noted her quivering lips, her faltering gaze, her small yet imperceptible retreat, and
his gut clenched, his mouth tightened.
Making her his was going to take longer than he thought, so he bade her goodnight and
retired to his room, his thoughts remaining on the lovely, red-haired woman who seemed to be
fighting him every step of the way.
Chapter 6
For the first time since she arrived in Greece, Sam woke up in good spirits. With the exception
of the mounting attraction she was experiencing for Leo, Sam knew yesterday had marked a very
good day between them and she was finally confident everything was going to turn out well.
Toni and John s visit here next month was going to be a success. Sam could feel it and
she could feel a few more things, too. Things about Leo that told her he wasn t the hard, cold,
insensitive man she had thought he was. He was kind, compassionate, understanding, and he had a
nice family, she decided, thinking about his parents. Yes, his mother had seemed a tad standoffish
at first, but wasn t that understandable? She loved her son and daughter, doted on them, and it was
normal for her to be protective over them.
Sam had firsthand experience with a doting, overprotective relative. Her Aunt Zoe. Hadn t
her own aunt over the years deterred Sam from forming attachments with friends who were deemed
inappropriate? So why should it be different for Leo s parents, or Leo for that matter? Whatever
reasons Leo had for disliking Sam, she was certain he didn t have them anymore. He had gotten to
know her and she was positive he liked her. And that meant he would like John, too.
Now if only Sam could control her raging hormones every time Leo was near, the rest of
her vacation would be perfect.
She thought about last night when they were in her room and her stomach somersaulted.
Leo had wanted to kiss her again and her sixth sense was telling her that slowly but surely she
was losing the battle. She couldn t deny her feelings any longer. She genuinely liked him. She was
attracted to him. But that s where it ended. She was going home in a week and a half and falling for
someone like Leo would have devastating effects. She thought about what she d seen in her Tarot
last night after Leo had left her room and her heart felt heavy. She d seen the good and the bad. The
read hadn t been all that detailed for her, but she d seen enough. And one thing was certain. If she
chose to embrace the developing attraction between them and succumbed to their mutual passion,
heartbreak and pain would fall upon her. She had even caught a glimpse of herself collapsing on
the stairs in despair and grief. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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